
  1. 你们当自洁,来与我同吃祭肉。

    Consecrate yourselves and come to the sacrifice with me .

  2. 撒母耳就使耶西和他众子自洁,请他们来吃祭肉。

    And he consecrated Jesse and his sons and invited them to the sacrifice .

  3. 如还有剩下的祭肉,到第三天应用火烧了。

    But whatsoever shall be found on the third day shall be consumed with fire .

  4. 至于祭肉,司祭家中,凡是男人都可以吃,应在圣处吃:这是至圣之物。

    Every male of the priestly race , shall eat this flesh in a holy place , because it is most holy .

  5. 撒母耳对厨役说,我交给你收存的那一分祭肉现在可以拿来。

    And Samuel said unto the cook , Bring the portion which I gave thee , of which I said unto thee , Set it by thee .

  6. 以利加拿每逢献祭的日子,将祭肉分给他的妻毗尼拿和毗尼拿所生的儿女。

    Whenever the day came for Elkanah to sacrifice , he would give portions of the meat to his wife Peninnah and to all her sons and daughters .

  7. 至于平安祭的肉,凡洁净的人都要吃。

    As for other meat , anyone ceremonially .

  8. 挨了污秽物的肉就不可吃,要用火焚烧。至于平安祭的肉,凡洁净的人都要吃。

    And flesh touched by any unclean thing may not be taken for food : it is to be burned with fire ; and as for the flesh of the peace-offerings , everyone who is clean may take it as food .

  9. 把你的燔祭、肉和血,都献在耶和华你的神的祭坛上;其他的祭的血,要倒在耶和华你的神的祭坛上;至于那肉,你却可以吃。

    And thou shalt offer thy burnt offerings , the flesh and the blood , upon the altar of the LORD thy god : and the blood of thy sacrifices shall be poured out upon the altar of the LORD thy god , and thou shalt eat the flesh .

  10. 第三天若吃了平安祭的肉,这祭必不蒙悦纳;人所献的,也不算为祭,反为可憎嫌的,吃这祭肉的,就必担当他的罪孽。

    If any meat of the fellowship offering is eaten on the third day , it will not be accepted . It will not be credited to the one who offered it , for it is impure ; the person who eats any of it will be held responsible .

  11. 那麽,我说什麽呢?是说祭邪神的肉算得什麽吗?

    Do I say , that what is offered in sacrifice to idols , is any thing ?

  12. 你的燔祭,连肉带血,都要献在耶和华你神的坛上。

    Present your burnt offerings on the altar of the LORD your God , both the meat and the blood .

  13. 他说了一些关于偶像崇拜的话,听起来似乎,他讨厌吃祭偶像的肉的人。

    He says stuff about idolatry which makes it sound like he doesn 't like people who are eating meat sacrificed to idols .

  14. 为感谢献平安祭牲的肉,要在献的日子吃,一点不可留到早晨。

    And the flesh of the praise-offering is to be taken as food on the day when it is offered ; no part of it may be kept till the morning .

  15. 但若有人向你们说:「这是祭过神的肉,」为了那指点的人,和为了良心的原故,你们就不可吃。

    But if any man say : This has been sacrificed to idols , do not eat of it for his sake that told it , and for conscience'sake .

  16. 看哪,这祭牲的血并没有拿到圣所里去。你们本当照我所吩咐的,在圣所里吃这祭肉。

    Since its blood was not taken into the Holy Place , you should have eaten the goat in the sanctuary area , as I commanded .