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  1. 第一,杨翼骧的生平。

    The first part is the Lifetime of Yixiang Yang .

  2. 总之,杨翼骧是中国近代史学、乃至中国史学史学科建立的奠基人之一。

    All in all , Yixiang Yang is one of the founders of modern Chinese history and Chinese historical history .

  3. 杨翼骧在中国古代史、史学史上都做出了自己的贡献,尤以中国史学史研究成就显著。

    Yixiang Yang made the contribution in ancient Chinese history and history of the historical studies , particularly notable in the latter .

  4. 通过对他的深入研究,有助于我们更深刻地了解杨翼骧,并对史学史这门学科的建立与发展有了更进一步的认识。

    According to deep research to Yixiang Yang , we can learn him more and get more knowledge of the establishment and development of historical history .

  5. 在史学史的研究中,杨翼骧发表了多篇论文,编著了史学史教材、参考书、辞典等。此外还授课育人,培养了一大批史学史方面的后备人才。

    In his research , he published many papers , compiled textbooks , reference books , dictionaries history , etc. In addition , he taught and educated his students , and he cultivate a large number of historical studies of reserve talented person .