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  1. 杨黼是大理著名的白族学者,著有白文《山花碑》。

    Yang Fu was a noted Bai scholar of Dali , who once wrote Shanhua Stele in Bai language .

  2. 明初的杨黼,承继着南诏、大理国时期释儒的传统,其政治伦理思想表现着儒家思想与佛教思想的密切结合,甚至可以说,有较为突出的宗教(佛教)特色。

    Life in beginning of Ming dynasty Yang Fu , is inheriting the Nanzhao and the Dali country time " Buddhism and Confucianism " the tradition .

  3. 本文经过翔实的考释,探析他在鸡足山的所作所为,并提出《白古通纪》的作者就是杨黼的新观点。

    This paper , based on detailed textual emendations , probes into what he did in the mountain and raises a brand new view that the author of Complete Annals of Ancient Bai People is but Yang Fu .