
  • 网络PRIUS;Toyota Prius;Pirus
  1. 最新一款紧凑型普锐斯C售价为19000美元起。

    The latest version , the compact Prius C , starts at about $ 19,000 .

  2. 而一过35英里,普锐斯就干脆利索地把Volt甩在身后了。

    But after 35 miles , the Prius handily outscores the volt .

  3. 新款车型,比如普锐斯C和较大型的Venza酷越车应该分别占丰田今年公布的普锐斯总销量的15%和18%。

    New variants , such as the C and the larger V crossover , should make up for 15 % and 18 % of total Prius sales this year Toyota has claimed .

  4. 丰田汽车公司(Toyota)的绿色动力先锋、混合动力车普锐斯(Prius)情况如何?

    What about the pioneer of the Prius hybrid , Toyota Motor ( TM ) ?

  5. 此外,Volt是美国制造,而普锐斯来自日本。

    And the volt is made in America while the Prius comes from Japan .

  6. 有人会说,没有普锐斯,就不会有如今的特斯拉电动车(Tesla)。

    Without the Prius , it can be argued , there would be no Tesla .

  7. 比如,将Volt同最热卖的油电混合动力车丰田普锐斯(ToyotaPrius)进行一下比较,就可见一斑。

    For instance , compare the Volt to the best selling gasoline-electric hybrid , the Toyota Prius .

  8. 个人立场:出行主要搭乘公共交通工具,但也会开丰田普锐斯(Prius)。

    Personal stance : Travels mainly by public transport but also drives a Prius .

  9. 在13英里到35英里之间,Volt胜过普锐斯。

    On trips between 13 miles and 35 miles in length , the volt beats the Prius .

  10. 率先在普锐斯(Prius)汽车上采用混合动力的丰田(Toyota),已推出了完全由氢燃料提供动力的车型。

    Toyota , which led hybrid adoption with its Prius cars , has already launched a fully hydrogen-powered model .

  11. 谷歌(Google)那辆自动驾驶丰田普锐斯(ToyotaPrius)已经在加州的公路上安全行驶了上万英里,没有出过任何事故。

    Google 's ( GOOG ) self-driving Toyota Prius ( TM ) has logged hundreds of thousands of miles without incident on California roads .

  12. 如果他们打算收养一只被成功解救的猎狗,把他们的普锐斯(Prius)换成S。

    If they were going to adopt a rescued greyhound , trade in their Prius for an S.U.

  13. 混合动力车普锐斯(Prius)的销售依然强劲,但4Runner这样的较大SUV车型销量有所下降。

    Sales of the hybrid Prius remain strong although the company 's larger SUVs like the4Runner are down .

  14. 自从推出以来,通用汽车公司只卖出了2184辆Volt,而丰田汽车公司光是5月份就卖出了7000辆普锐斯。

    GM has only managed to sell 2,184 since introduction , while Toyota moved nearly 7,000 Priuses in May alone .

  15. 丰田公司(Toyota)在普锐斯(Prius)轿车上也遇到了同样的问题。由于汽油价格上涨,普锐斯的销量已经出现了激增。

    Toyota ( TM ) faces a similar problem with the Prius , whose sales have spurted as gas prices have risen .

  16. 这一措施或影响包括凯美瑞(Camry)、卡罗拉(Corolla)和普锐斯(Prius)在内的大批车型。

    The measure would affect a wide range of models including the Camry , Corolla and Prius .

  17. 因此,在13英里或更短的车程中,普锐斯插电汽车和Volt依靠纯电动每加仑燃油行驶的里程相同:都是零。

    So on trips of 13 miles or less , the Prius plug-in and volt deliver the same all-electric mpg : zero .

  18. 以普锐斯(Prius)品牌为代表,丰田汽车公司(Toyota)通过普及油电混合动力发动机技术在全球汽车行业中抢得先机。

    Toyota stole a march on the global automotive industry by popularizing gas-electric hybrid engines , using its Prius brand to highlight the technology .

  19. 它的普锐斯(Prius)多火呀特别是在2008年能源危机的时候人们要买一辆得排队等上几个月。

    Its Prius hybrid was so hot-particularly during the energy crisis in2008-that customers waited months in line to buy one .

  20. 丰田在北美市场推出19款新型和略经改款的车型,包括Avalon和普锐斯(Prius)。

    Toyota launched 19 new and slightly modified models in the North American market , including the Avalon and Prius .

  21. 这篇报道称,普锐斯(Prius)等混动车型“改善了这个品牌的用户体验”,而且放大了丰田的“特殊性和独特性”。

    Hybrids like Prius were " reinforcing the experience of the brand " and magnifying what is " special and different " about Toyota .

  22. 本田汽车(HondaMotor)将向美国驾车者提供首款价格低于2万美元的油电混合动力汽车,寻求从占据市场主导地位的丰田普锐斯(ToyotaPrius)手中抢走受到经济衰退冲击的消费者。

    Honda Motor is to offer US drivers the first petrol-electric hybrid vehicle priced at under $ 20,000 as it seeks to draw recession-hit buyers away from the segment - leading Toyota Prius .

  23. 如今,你却可以在洛杉矶国际机场轻松地租到一辆2010年款普锐斯,就象租一辆雪佛兰(Chevy)美宜堡(Malibu)一样容易。

    Today , you can rent a2010 Prius at Los Angeles International Airport as easily as renting a Chevy Malibu .

  24. 本田Insight和丰田普锐斯(Prius)是第一代混动车,它们都是1999年在美国上市的,而今天在售的混动车已经有40种。

    The first hybrid models , the Honda Insight and Toyota Prius ( above ) both reached the U.S. in 1999 , and today some 40 gas-electric models are for sale .

  25. 不管是在iPhone,还是普锐斯,甚至是特斯拉S车型,锂电池用的还是1991年索尼公司(Sony)推出这一产品时所用的材料。

    Whether in the iPhone , the Prius , and even the Tesla Model S , the Li-ion battery is essentially made of the same stuff as those first introduced by Sony in 1991 .

  26. 通用汽车中国销售、服务和营销部门执行董事刘曰海(JosephLiu)说,我们认为这是从普锐斯的销售情况中汲取的教训。

    ' We believe that is the lesson to be learned from the sales performance of the Prius , 'says Joseph Liu , executive director for vehicle sales , service and marketing at GM in China .

  27. 丰田现在又被迫召回最新款混合动力汽车普锐斯(Prius),这个事实让反日阴谋论不攻自破。普锐斯大多在日本生产和销售。

    The fact that Toyota has now had to recall its latest-model Prius hybrid , largely built and sold in Japan , undermines anti-Japanese conspiracy theories .

  28. 更加诚实地承诺,考虑租一辆像丰田普锐斯那样的崭新的混租车或者一辆像雪铁龙C4那样超高效率的小车。

    Make a more substantial commitment and consider a new hybrid vehicle such as the Toyota Prius or get one of the ultra efficient small cars such as Citroen C4 .

  29. 自1997年推出普锐斯后,丰田一直主导着混合动力车市场,它的工程师们将Insight视为第一个真正的竞争对手。

    Toyota has dominated the hybrid segment since it introduced the Prius in 1997 , but its engineers have called the Insight , a redesigned version of a car Honda had scrapped in 2006 , its first real competition .

  30. 该公司本月表示,将重新设计密西西比在建的一家组装厂,以生产普锐斯,而非Highlander中型SUV。

    It said this month it would redesign an assembly plant under construction in Mississippi to build Priuses instead of Highlander mid-size SUVs .