
  • 网络East Asian financial crisis
  1. 提高利率,实施紧缩性财政政策,并进行结构性经济改革,推动国内经济的市场化和自由化,这是IMF拯救东亚金融危机方案中的主要措施。

    IMF 's rescue program against East Asian financial crisis includes raising interest rate and restricting government expenditure . In the long run , the IMF demands that structural reform be implemented .

  2. 东亚金融危机冲击下的巴西经济

    Brazilian economy under the East Asian financial crisis

  3. 1997年东亚金融危机的受害者在被迫服下IMF的苦药后对自己说,再也不会这样了。这会是他们最后一次被西方的纾困行动所左右。

    Never again , the victims of the 1997 east Asian crisis said to themselves after being forced to take the IMF 's medicine This would be the last time they were held hostage to western bailouts .

  4. 东亚金融危机启动了东亚货币合作。

    East Asia finance crisis startup East Asia currency cooperation .

  5. 略论东亚金融危机与东亚模式

    The East Asia financial crisis and the development pattern in East Asia

  6. 金融腐败是东亚金融危机的催化剂。

    The financial corruption activated the Asian financial crisis .

  7. 东亚金融危机与中国

    The Financial Crisis in the East Asia and It 's Relationship with China

  8. 东亚金融危机的定量分析

    Quantitative Analysis on the East Asia Financial Crisis

  9. 东亚金融危机问题的研究

    Studies on problems of East Asia finical crisis

  10. 东亚金融危机与东西方文明的冲突

    The East Asian Financial Crisis and the Civilization Clash between the East and the West

  11. 从东亚金融危机看货币危机与银行危机的共生性

    The Twin Crises of Banking and Currency : An Example of the East Asian Financial Crises

  12. 经济全球化中的国际协调&兼论国际货币基金组织在东亚金融危机中的作用

    International Coordination in Globalization of Economy

  13. 东亚金融危机爆发之后,雁行模式又重新引起关注。

    After the East Asian financial crisis broke out , the Flying Geese Model attracted people 's attention again .

  14. 基于东亚金融危机的体制性原因,东亚一体化提上了议事日程,应该说,这是区域合作的政治构想。

    East Asia Community has been put on agenda based on the systematic reason of East Asian financial crisis .

  15. 自1997年东亚金融危机爆发以来,人民币名义汇率相对固定,与此同时中国经济经历了相当长时期的通货紧缩。

    Since the eruption of East Asian financial crisis in 1997 , China has maintained an almost fixed exchange rate .

  16. 文章从国际资本流动的角度详细地分析论证了东亚金融危机发生的原因。

    The article analyses in detail from the angle of international capital circulation the reason of financial crisis of East Asia .

  17. 汇率制度、资本流动与金融危机:理论和实证分析&东亚金融危机视角

    Exchange Rate Regimes , Capital Flows and Financial Crises : Theoretical and Empirical Analyses & A Perspective from East Asia Financial Crisis

  18. 的确,10年前,东亚金融危机之后的一场失业危机袭击了中国。

    To be sure , an unemployment crisis struck China a decade ago in the aftermath of the east Asian financial crisis .

  19. 尤其在东亚金融危机以来,以及巴林银行等倒闭后,内控机制建设变得尤为迫切。

    Especially after East Asia Financial Crisis and Bahrain Bank went bankrupt , the construction of the internal control system became more urgent .

  20. 东亚金融危机的爆发,加快了东亚区域货币合作的进程。

    The break out of the financial crisis of East Asia has speeded the process of the regional monetary cooperation in East Asia .

  21. 几年后东亚金融危机爆发,一些学者认为他早就做过预言。

    After the outbreak of east Asian financial crisis several years later , some economists said that Krugman had already made the prediction .

  22. 从中国的角度来看,欧元区债务危机的处理方法与1997至1998年东亚金融危机的处理方法有着显著的不同。

    Viewed from China , the management of the eurozone debt crisis offers a stark contrast to the handling of the 1997-98 east Asian crisis .

  23. 1997年东亚金融危机至今,日本的华侨华人研究出现了新的趋向。

    Since the East Asian financial crisis in 1997 , the study of overseas Chinese and ethnic Chinese in Japan has been showing some new trends .

  24. 因此,美联储在1997年东亚金融危机和1998年俄罗斯债务危机后采取的宽松货币政策,造成了随后的股市泡沫。

    Thus , the easing by the Fed after the east Asian and Russian crises of 1997 and 1998 contributed to the subsequent stock market bubble .

  25. 第三章着重研讨冷战后、特别是东亚金融危机前后日本与东盟经贸合作的进展。

    Chapter Three puts emphasis on the economic and trade cooperative development of Japan and ASEAN after Cold War , especially in the period around Asia financial crisis .

  26. 1997年的东亚金融危机,暴露了东亚各经济体在经济体制及汇率制度方面的重大缺陷。

    The financial crisis of East Asia in 1997 , has exposed the great defect in economic system and exchange rate system of every economy of east Asia .

  27. 而东亚金融危机的爆发,则与东亚金融市场政府替代的过快弱化有较大的关系。

    The eruption of financial crisis in eastern Asia had something to do with the fast weakening of the government substitute on the financial markets in eastern Asia .

  28. 墨西哥金融危机和东亚金融危机都有力地表明,新兴市场在利用外资的过程中,也应该加强对外资的管理。

    The financial crises in Mexico and East Asia show strongly that in using international capitals , emerging markets should strengthen their foreign capital Control at the same time .

  29. 近年导致中国外需大幅波动的国际经济背景包括东亚金融危机、美国经济减速和日本经济衰退等方面。

    The international economic factors resulting in China 's increased external demand include the East Asian financial crisis , American economic slow-down and Japanese economic recession and so on .

  30. 东亚金融危机的教训促使人们反思企业公司治理问题的同时,银行本身的公司治理问题也日益受到理论界关注,银行开始被作为公司治理的对象来研究。

    The lessons from the East Asian financial crisis prompt people to reflect on the issues of corporate governance of both the non-financial firms as well as the banks .