• group
  • organize;form
  • set;series;suite;battery
  • 结合,构成:~成。~合。~阁。~织。~编。

  • 因工作和学习的需要而结合成的小单位:互助~。创作~。

  • 合成一体的(文艺作品):~诗。~画。~曲。~舞。

  • 古代指丝带:~缨(系冠的丝带)。~绶(玉佩上系玉的丝带)。

  • 量词,用于事物的集体:两~电池。


(由不多的人员组成的单位) group:

  • 骨干小组

    a ginger group;

  • 40岁到50岁的年龄组

    the age group between 40 and 50


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 组健

    Zu Jian


(组织) organize; form:

  • 改组

    reorganize; reshuffle;

  • 重组货源

    reorder goods


(用于事物的集体) set; series; suite; battery:

  • 一组舞曲

    a suite of dance music;

  • 一组透镜

    a battery of lenses;

  • 一组邮票

    a set of stamps

  1. 她开始跑最后一圈时紧跟在领先的一组人后面。

    She started the last lap just behind the leading group .

  2. 居民组成了社区行动组。

    The residents formed a community action group .

  3. 两组结果之间有着合理的一致。

    There is reasonable concordance between the two sets of results .

  4. 研究人员正试图展示这两组数字的相关性。

    Researchers are trying to correlate the two sets of figures .

  5. 调查结果分为截然不同的两组。

    The results of the survey fell into two distinct groups .

  6. 这两组数据相互矛盾。

    There is a contradiction between the two sets of figures .

  7. 这两组儿童具有截然不同的特点。

    The two groups of children have quite different characteristics .

  8. 这两组学生没有明显差别。

    There are no significant differences between the two groups of students .

  9. 这为设计组开展工作提供了坚实的基础。

    This gives the design team a sound basis for their work .

  10. 这两个组同意相互协作。

    The two groups agreed to cooperate with each other .

  11. 他在美国锦标赛上滑出一组扣人心弦的动作。

    He skated an exciting programme at the American Championships .

  12. 将这两组隔开是完全必要的。

    It is essential to keep the two groups separate .

  13. 这两组数字没有明显的差别。

    The two sets of figures are not significantly different .

  14. 这两组在收入和地位方面是相似的。

    The two groups were similar with respect to income and status .

  15. 这份报告强调两组之间的相似性。

    The report highlights the similarity between the two groups .

  16. 用这一组油彩可以调配出你所需要的颜色。

    With this range of paints , you can mix your own colours .

  17. 每一章的后面都有一组参考书目。

    There is a list of references at the end of each chapter .

  18. 这两组数字不一致。

    The two sets of figures don 't match .

  19. 他获得木管乐器组一等奖。

    He won first prize in the woodwind section .

  20. 仅根据一组结果进行概括是十分不可靠的。

    It 's far too risky to generalize from one set of results .

  21. 首先让学生分成四人一组。

    First get students to form groups of four .

  22. 一组英国官员被派去做大会观察员。

    A team of British officials were sent as observers to the conference .

  23. 看得出,有的组风险大,有的组风险小。

    It can be seen that certain groups are more at risk than others .

  24. 几组镜头被拍成了慢动作。

    Some scenes were filmed in slow motion .

  25. 学生先分头工作,然后六人一组交流心得。

    The students work individually , then pool their ideas in groups of six .

  26. 叫学生两人一组在课堂上演出这个对话。

    Get pairs of students to act out the dialogue in front of the class .

  27. 这组统计数字清楚地阐明了我要陈述的观点。

    The statistics are a clear illustration of the point I am trying to make .

  28. 为方便起见,这两个组在本报告中被视为一组。

    For convenience , the two groups have been treated as one in this report .

  29. 他成了一个网上新闻组的用户。

    He subscribed to a newsgroup .

  30. 为确保可比性,每一组将得到一套同样的问题。

    Each group will have the same set of questions , in order to ensure comparability .