
kā qiū shā
  • Katyusha
喀秋莎 [kā qiū shā]
  • [Katyusha] 火箭炮的一种,能成排发射炮弹,也写作卡秋莎

喀秋莎[kā qiū shā]
  1. 前线的数百名叛军用喀秋莎火箭炮和其他武器向卡扎菲的部队开火。

    The rebels , hundreds of them up at the front line , fired Katyusha rockets among other things at the Gaddafi forces .

  2. 战争日趋白热,政府武装动对叛乱者发动空袭,而敌方则以喀秋莎火箭炮予以还击。

    The latest fighting has been particularly intense , with the government launching air strikes against rebel position , and the rebels hitting back with Katyusha rockets .