
sù sònɡ dài lǐ
  • Litigation agency;legal representative;representation of parties to court
  1. 共青团组织可以为未成年人提供法律咨询、诉讼代理和非诉讼代理等法律援助。

    The Communist Youth League organ may provide legal aid to minors , such as legal consultation , representation of parties to court or non-litigious representation .

  2. 从公司经理权是一种诉讼代理权来看,它是一种诉讼法上的法定代理权;

    And in litigation law it 's also a statutory attorney right .

  3. 承办民事诉讼代理38.9万件,比上年增长23.2%;

    They also handled 389,000 civil lawsuits , an increase of 23.2 percent ;

  4. 承办行政诉讼代理案件2.3万多件,比上年增长28.4%;

    23,000 administrative lawsuits , up 28.4 percent ;

  5. 因此,律师民事诉讼代理收费制度便与接近正义产生了紧密联系。

    Therefore , the agent fees system for civil lawyer will be close to justice .

  6. 律师服务市场存在案件诉讼代理费何时支付以及支付多少的矛盾。

    In attorney service market , there exist the conflicts concerning the payment of lawsuit agent commission .

  7. 法律援助的具体形式包括解答咨询、刑事辩护和诉讼代理以及办理公证等。

    The specific forms of legal aid include advice , criminal defense , procurator in litigation and notarization , etc.

  8. 通常他们之间是一种相互配合的伙伴关系,形成以公诉人为主,诉讼代理律师为辅的控诉格局。

    Normally they form a partnership in which the prosecutor takes the lead while the attorney acts as the assistant .

  9. 民事诉讼代理视野下的草根律师制度&以成都地区为例

    Research on " Grassroots Lawyers " under the Perspective of the Civil Procedure Agent System & A Case Study of Chengdu

  10. 法律咨询:为中国造船企业提供常年法律顾问、法律咨询、纠纷处理及仲裁和诉讼代理等专业法律服务;

    Legal Consultancy : Supply professional legal service for China 's shipbuilding manufacturers with legal consultation , disputes settlement , arbitration and litigation agency , etc.

  11. 民事诉讼代理制度作为现代民事诉讼制度中的一项重要制度,是法律面前人人平等原则的重要体现和保障。

    The civil procedure agent system is one of the most important systems in the modern civil procedure system , which guarantees that everyone is legally equal .

  12. 在诉讼代理时将法律体系的精微分析与策略的运用相结合,判明并最大限度地维护委托人在讼争中的利益。

    In the litigations , identify and maximize the safeguard of the interests of the client by combining the microscopic analysis of the legal system and the use of strategy .

  13. 我国在司法实践中对民事诉讼律师代理费由败诉方负担的情况有三种。

    In Chinese judicial practice , there are three cases about the civil litigation fees which shall be borne by the losing party .

  14. 事实上,刑事诉讼律师代理对刑事诉讼实体正义、程序正义的实现以及诉讼效益的提高具有重要的作用。

    In fact , the agent of criminal lawyer has play a very important role in criminal proceedings of the criminal justice entities , the realization of procedural justice and legal efficiency .

  15. 作为民事实体法上的监护人也可以作为法定代理人委托诉讼代理人代理被监护人进行诉讼,此情况下监护人在民事诉讼中的诉讼地位仅仅是法定代理人。

    As the guardian in civil substantive law , one can also entrust agent ad litem with the lawsuit , in this situation , , the guardian is just a legal agent in civil substantive law .

  16. 我国法律统一规定民事诉讼律师代理费由败诉方承担在技术上可以操作,并且有成熟的国际经验借鉴,是完全可行的。

    The law of our country unified regulations in civil litigation attorney fee also shall be borne by the losing party which operates it technically . It also has a mature international experience for reference , and complete feasible .

  17. 试论律师制度的完善&通过改革推进民事诉讼中律师代理的发展

    Improvement of the Lawyer System

  18. 文章从适用的案件范围、诉讼程序、代理、辩护及救济等方面论述了我国刑事缺席判决制度之构建路径。

    From the case scope , procedure , agency , defense and remedies , etc , the paper put forward the ways to construct China Absent Judgement .

  19. 诉讼活动中公民代理行为具有合同性和劳务性。

    The civil proxy action is contractual .

  20. 第七十三条外国人、无国籍人、外国组织在中华人民共和国进行行政诉讼,委托律师代理诉讼的,应当委托中华人民共和国律师机构的律师。

    Article 73 When foreign nationals , stateless persons and foreign organizations appoint lawyers as their agents ad litem in administrative suits in the People 's Republic of China , they shall appoint lawyers of a lawyers ' organization of the People 's Republic of China .

  21. 同时,对于各项传统的刑、民事诉讼、非诉讼业务、仲裁代理业务,本所亦具有强大的实力。

    The office is efficient in dealing with traditional criminal and civil litigation and non-litigation and arbitration affairs .

  22. 诉讼信托不同诉讼担当、诉讼代理和债权信托。

    Litigation trust is different from litigation take-on , litigation surrogate and credit-right trust . A suit brought for trespassing .

  23. 为了能在对抗制诉讼模式下获得胜诉,社会对律师诉讼代理法律服务的需求越来越大。

    In order to recover , the demand for lawyer litigation legal services is increasing in Anti-mode system of litigation .

  24. 群体性纠纷诉讼,虽然各国采取的具体制度不尽相同,但一般将共同诉讼、诉讼代理和诉讼担当作为其主要的理论依据。

    As to the suing of solving colony disputes , although different countries adopt different model and details , the main theoretical foundation are co-litigation , lawsuit taking and lawsuit trust .

  25. 我国民事诉讼中的垄断表现为法官对司法业务的垄断、诉讼当事人一方对诉讼或和解的过程及结果的垄断,以及律师对当事人诉讼代理服务的垄断。

    The monopoly of civil action in China includes the judge 's monopoly of judicial business , the litigant 's of the process and result of action or conciliation and lawyer 's procuration to the litigant 's action .