
  1. 公司股本总额在4亿元以上的公司,可采用对一般投资者上网发行和对法人配售相结合的方式发行股票。

    Companies with a total share capital of Rmb400 million or more may issue shares by the combined method of Network Offering to ordinary investors and private placement to legal persons .

  2. 由于本申请表所填内容或数据发生错误,或者由于信息披露失误等原因而使上网发行工作受到影响,所产生的一切后果概由发行协调人负责。

    Any and all consequences arising out of the errors of the completed details or data in the application form , or misleading information disclosures shall be assumed by the issuance coordinator .

  3. 上网定价发行和市值配售是我国证券市场曾经采用和正在采用的新股发行方式。

    Issuing by Pricing on the Net and Offering by Market Price are two kinds of IPO methods .

  4. 在核准制条件下,上网定价发行和市值配售这两种不同的发行方式下新股初始收益率的影响因素表现特征有所不同。

    Under these two IPO methods and in the condition of issuing by sanction , the features of the influence on the rate of initial profit are different .

  5. 深圳证券交易所按参加上网定价发行的证券营业部的实际认购量,将该笔手续费自动划转到各证券营业部帐户。

    Shenzhen Stock Exchange will automatically transfer such service fees to each securities operating department subject toin accordance to the actual subscriptions of the securities operating departments through the online pricing issuance .

  6. 这是第一个主要为流行的上网本提供的发行版,,如对华硕的EeePC的支持。

    It was the first major distribution that offered out-of-the box support for popular netbooks , such as ASUS Eee PC.