
  1. 分享爱的喜悦&欧西亚北京旗舰店开业庆典策划始末

    Rejoice Sharing & for Opening Ceremony of Beijing Flagship Shop of Oregon Scientific

  2. 我们的综合实力令您意想不到,包括各种庆典策划制作、影视媒体等,为客户提供一条龙式全方位服务。

    Our overall strength makes you unexpected , including the various celebrations planning production , film and television media etc. , . We offer one-stop service for customers .

  3. 庆典总策划亚德里安-埃文斯盛赞道,这会是千载难逢的一次盛典,向人们展示泰晤士河作为皇室御用航道的风采。

    Pageant Master Adrian Evans spoke of a once-in-a-lifetime event , one that will reclaim the Thames as a royal route .

  4. 企业新闻策划的主要方式有庆典事件策划、赞助事件策划、危机事件策划和随机事件策划。

    There are four kinds of news planning : celebration event planning , sponsored event planning , crisis event planning and random event planning .

  5. “歌海人”是一个年轻团结、高素质且富有进取心,蓬勃向上的团体,公司汇集平面设计、音乐、影视策划编辑制作、庆典演出活动策划的资深人士。

    Sea Songis a young unity , and a high-quality initiative , vigorous groups , companies pooling graphic design , music , editing video production planning , senior planning celebrations performances .