
  • 网络qingyuan;Qingyuan county
  1. 庆元县毛竹林开发区划与布局

    Division and Distribution of Phyllostachys pubescens Forest Exploitation in Qingyuan

  2. 庆元县是浙江省滑坡灾害发生严重地区之一,开展滑坡预测尤为重要。

    Qingyuan County is one of the heaviest landslide regions in Zhejiang Province .

  3. 谈庆元县造纸林的基地建设

    On the Construction of Timber Base for Paper Making in Qinyuan County

  4. 庆元县新农村人居环境存在问题探析

    Discussion on the Existing Problem of New Village Living Environment in Qingyuan County

  5. 庆元县锥栗特色基地建设刍议

    About Base Construction of Castanea henryi in Qingyuan

  6. 庆元县森林资源利用与发展初探

    A Preliminary Research on Utilization and Development of Forest Resources in Qingyuan County of Zhejiang

  7. 庆元县山地环境数据库建立及山地灾害综合成因研究

    Establishment of Mountain Environment Database and Study on Compositive Genesis of Mountain Disasters in QingYuan County

  8. 庆元县公益林森林生态系统服务功能评价研究

    Study on Evaluation for Forest Ecological System Service Function of Public Welfare Forests in Qingyuan County

  9. 庆元县位于浙西南欠发达山区境内,是一个较为典型的东部欠发达地域农业县。

    Qingyuan County , located in the southwest of Zhejiang Province , is an underdeveloped agricultural area .

  10. 浙江省庆元县甜桔柚产地环境质量监测与评价

    Environmental Quality Monitoring and Assessment of the Planting Area of Sweet Orange in Qingyuan County of Lishui , Zhejiang

  11. 令人比较满意,因此,可以利用此模型进行庆元县滑坡灾害评价。

    Therefore , this model can be used to evaluate the landslide hazard in Qingyuan region , Zhejiang Province .

  12. 浙江省丽水市庆元县隆宫乡林权IC卡及其抵押贷款模式创新

    " Forest Tenure Reform-IC Card " Longgong Model and Its Mortgage Innovation in Qingyuan County of Lishui City , Zhejiang Province

  13. 以信息量模型完成的庆元县山地环境稳定性评级图为基础,采用定性和定量相结合的综合指标,完成庆元县山地环境防灾区划。

    Based on the evaluation of mountain stability environment by Information model , mountain environment zonation was accomplished with qualitative index and quantitative index .

  14. 庆元县滑坡的时空分布,受降雨地区和降雨时间的控制,并与一定的地质条件及人类活动有关;

    The temporal and spatial distribution of landslide in Qingyuan is affected by that of rainfall and related to geological conditions and human impact .

  15. 为了扩大和发展庆元县纸张生产,对建设造纸林基地,作者谈了其看法。

    For the expansion and development of paper production in Qinyuan county , the author gave his views and suggestions for the building , of paper forest bases .

  16. 将庆元县划分为北部稳定区、东部基本稳定区、西北部不稳定区和西南部极不稳定区等四个环境区。

    The county was divided into four zonations , as " north stable region ", " east rough stable region ", " north west unstable region " and " south west highly unstable region " .

  17. 根据浙江省及庆元县山地灾害的发生特点,以地形和土壤因素叠置生成的土地类型单元,作为山地环境稳定性评价单元。

    Based on the specialty of mountain hazards in Zhejiang province and Qingyuan county , evaluation unit of mountain stability environment was created by overlay the terrain elevation coverage , slope coverage , aspect of slope coverage , and soil type coverage .