- discharge flue

Ordinary high-rise residential kitchen computer simulation in Central Exhaust System
Sharing Exhaust Duct System for Kitchen in High-rise Residential Buildings
Dynamic Analysis of Fume Flow in Central Exhaust System of Residential Kitchens
Calculation for the Cross Section Size of Flue Collector of Master-Slave mode Discharging System
Flue collector of master slave mode discharging system in domicile kitchen can be taken as one dimensional vertical steady flow with friction .
This dissertation planned to use the experimentation of full-scale components and numerical simulation to research the fire resistance and key parameter of smoke shaft corbel .
Based on continuity equation and energy equation of every streamline , flow and pressure distribution in different transections along the chimney of exhaust system with normal induced draft fan and check valve are calculated .
Analyses the ventilation , downdraft and vapour condensation and icing in gas boilers with flue for heating residential buildings in the cold area . Proposes installing shared flue , adopting downdraft proof device and outdoor installation .
According to the flowing states in the exhaust system for residential kitchen , confluent local resistances in the system with up-open check valve are obtained by numerical simulation and experiment validation , which offer a theoretical basis for the system design .
Ventilating and Smoke Extraction System of Underground Garage of B5 Building Financial Street
Survey on Central Exhaust Duct System in High-rise Residential Building On Ventilation and Energy-saving Design of Residential Buildings in Maoming Region
Associates the Performance testing standard for sharing exhaust duct system ( for kitchen ) of residence in Chongqing , this article introduces the developing history and analyses the present condition of sharing exhaust duct system for kitchen in high-rise residential buildings .
High-rise residential ventilation and exhaust flue gas flow backward Road Analysis System
The basic characteristics of variable pressure gas exhaust system and check valve gas exhaust system are compared .