
  • 网络Discharged into the atmosphere;atmospheric deposition;injection into the atmosphere;atmospheric dilution
  1. 硫是煤中的有害元素,煤在燃烧过程中,煤中的硫通常生成SO2而排入大气中,从而导致大气污染。

    Sulfur in coal is a toxic element which can lead to air pollution during coal combustion .

  2. 人类在使用化石燃料的同时,也将二氧化碳(CO2)等大量温室气体排入大气,引起了全球变暖等一系列环境恶化的后果。

    Burning the fossil fuels can draw out a large amount of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide ( CO2 ) to the air , which can cause the environmental deterioration problems such as global warming .

  3. 大气中超细颗粒物(PM2.5)的产生途径主要包括直接排入大气中的一次粒子,以及大气中的气态前驱物通过光化学作用转化生成的二次粒子。

    The ultrafine particles ( PM2.5 ) in atmosphere include primary particles discharged into the atmosphere directly , and secondary particles generated from gas precursor through the photochemical role .

  4. 鲁奇两段低温甲醇洗涤酸性气体的工业生产流程.可供联产C1化工产品的综合利用,提高合成气中C1的利用率,减免CO2排入大气的污染等参考。

    And may provide references for the comprehensive utilization of integrated production of C1 chemical products , the elevation of utilization rate of C1 in syngas , and the relief to the air pollution by CO2 .

  5. 通常,天然气干脆就被燃烧排入大气。

    Most often , it was simply flared into the atmosphere .

  6. 气流自叶栅直接排入大气的条件是不可取的。

    It is not advisable that the airflow be directly exhausted into the atmosphere .

  7. 用核分析技术研究土法炼锌排入大气的颗粒物

    Investigation of the particulate derived from indigenous zinc smelting using the nuclear analytical technique

  8. 目的是为了减少排入大气的污染。

    The goal is to reduce the amount of pollution released into the atmosphere .

  9. 垃圾填埋气如不加控制地排入大气中,会对环境产生不利影响。

    The uncontrolled escape of landfill gas into the atmosphere is detrimental to the environment .

  10. 若直接排入大气,将严重污染环境。

    If it is directly sent into the air , the environment could be serious contaminated .

  11. 排放源氟化氢浓度分析仪过去,由此生成的气态氟化物直接排入大气。

    Emission source HF analyzer Previously , gaseous fluorides resulting from this process were discharged directly into the atmosphere .

  12. 石油化工生产装置大多是通过火炬燃烧排放易燃易爆气体或通过放空管将易爆气体直接排入大气中。

    Flammable gas produced from petrochemical facility is discharged mostly by torching or directly into air through vent pipe .

  13. 通常的做法是将烟气通过洗涤塔后排入大气,造成了烟气能量的浪费。

    Generally , it will Waste the gas energy when making the gas go into the atmosphere after column washer .

  14. 在较高的温度下容易缩合积碳,在汽车发动机进气阀及燃烧室中生成沉积物,影响汽车的排放及使用性能,烯烃挥发排入大气,会加速对流层臭氧的生成,形成光化学烟雾。

    While under high temperature the olefin is liable to carbonize and produces sediment in the engine which greatly influences the function of the automobile .

  15. 国家与地方迅速制订对排入大气中的SO2污染,实行收取排污费的法规,加强控制SO2的排放。

    To establish laws and regulation as soon as possible of SO2 emission charge both state and local for enhancing the control of SO_2 emission .

  16. 冷却剂流经冷凝器不畅。在简单的涡轮机中,蒸汽被排入大气,或进入冷凝器冷凝成水后流回锅炉。

    As to simple turbine , steam discards directly into atmosphere , or into condensator for cooling , then goes back to boiler for use .

  17. 汽油机在一个测试循环的排放污染物总量中,大约有70%~80%的非甲烷碳氢化合物在汽油机冷启动阶段没有经催化转化而直接排入大气中,造成严重污染。

    It is estimated that 70 % to 80 % of non methane HCs have not been converted by the catalytic converter and been directly exhausted into the air .

  18. 目前我国大部分钢铁厂都存在富余煤气剩余现象,直接排入大气不仅不能实现经济回收利用,还对环境造成空气污染。

    Currently most of our steel plants are present the phenomenon of surplus gas left , directly into the atmosphere not only can not achieve economic recycling , air pollution has on the environment .

  19. 汞是煤中众多有毒痕量元素之一,燃烧过程中,大部分煤中的汞挥发后随烟气排入大气。

    Mercury is one of the many toxic trace elements in coal , in the coal combustion process , most of the mercury in the coal volatiles into the atmosphere with the flue gas .

  20. 针对汽车尾气污染源的流动性,人们在汽车岐管内安装催化转化器使污染物在排入大气之前转化为无害的物质,但是汽车冷启动时所造成的污染仍然得不到治理。

    Aiming at the fluid of the source of exhaust pollution , converter is equipped in the discharging pipe that makes pollutant harmless . However , in the case of cold-start , it is useless .

  21. 据调查,钢铁企业排入大气的有害总量中约有50%是来自烧结厂,这主要是由于烧结工艺不完善和烧结厂的固定资产和设备老化所致。

    According to the survey , about 50 % pollutants released into the atmosphere in iron and steel enterprises is from the sinter plant , and it mainly dues to technical imperfections and aging equipment and fixed assets in sinter plants .

  22. 利用高效热管,将转炉汽化冷却烟道出口烟气从较高的温度冷却到200℃以下,然后经布袋除尘排入大气。

    A high efficiency heat pipe was used to lower the fume temperature below 200 ℃ at the outlet of the vapourizing and cooling flue of the converter . The fume was dusted through a bag filter and then discharged to atmosphere .

  23. 为防止未反应的二氧化氯排入大气造成污染,本实验对比研究了氢氧化钠溶液、硫化钠溶液、氢氧化钠与硫化钠混合碱液以及硫代硫酸钠吸收液对二氧化氯的吸收效果。

    To prevent pollution caused by the unreacted chlorine dioxide discharged into the atmosphere , the chlorine dioxide absorb effect of sodium hydroxide solution , sodium sulfide solution , sodium hydroxide and sodium sulfide mixed solution , and sodium thiosulfate solution were studyed contrastively .

  24. 但是,排入水体的废水和排入大气的废气的污染防治适用有关法律,不适用本法。

    However , the prevention and control of pollution by waste water discharged into water body and by waste gas discharged into the atmosphere shall be governed by other relevant laws , not this Law .