
  1. 驻足观看,这里发生了天翻地覆的变化:房屋重新被整修过,条件也优于从前,成群的牛羊正在欢快地吃着青草,地里的庄稼也成排地生长着。

    Look and behold3 . It 's like a completely different place -- the farmhouse is completely rebuilt and in excellent condition , there are plenty of cattle and other livestock4 happily munching5 on feed in well-fenced pens , and the fields are filled with crops planted in neat rows .

  2. 许多黑脸成排地转过来;

    A hundred black faces turned round in their rows to peer ;

  3. 当我醒来时,我发现树已成排地被种好了。

    When I woke up , I found the trees planted in line .

  4. 水体中仔鱼集群区氨氮浓度比非集群区高,表明排地分解也是促使氨氮浓度增高的因素之一。

    The concentration of NH3-N in the area of larval fish aggregation is higher than that of non-aggregation , also , which shows that excreta decomposition is one of the factors increasing the concentration of NH3-N.

  5. 来吧,小妹妹!别的公主们说。她们彼此把手搭在肩上,一长排地升到海面,一直游到一块她们认为是王子的宫殿的地方。

    Come , little sister , said the other princesses ; then they entwined their arms and rose up in a long row to the surface of the water , close by the spot where they knew the prince 's palace stood .

  6. 著作权人可以排他地直接使用和收益。

    The copyright holder may arrange his direct use and the income .

  7. 他们的窑洞式新房一排排地立在山坡上。

    Their cave-style new homes stood in rows in the hill slope .

  8. 热气排到地上,成了夏天

    venting heat up to the surface , creating summer .

  9. 该事件的发生必须是由被告独自和排他地控制的代理人或物件引起的;

    It must be caused by an agency or instrumentality within the exclusive control of the defendant ;

  10. 当你描绘今天典型教室的图案时:当我还上学的时候,我们一排排地坐着。

    So if you picture the typical classroom nowadays : When I was going to school , we sat in rows .

  11. 未能设置数据库''%1!''%3!的只读用户模式,因为未能排它地锁定该数据库。

    Could not set database ' % . ls ' % ls read-only user mode because you could not exclusively lock the database .

  12. 对于脱机备份,需要排它地进行备份,联机备份则允许用户在备份过程中连接数据库。

    For offline backup , the exclusive use is required to do a backup whereas online backup allow users to connect while backup is in progress .

  13. 这里几乎所有的村子都一排排地列在路边,而道路就是这里与外界沟通的生命线,也是村民们日常生活的必经之路,比如去上学。

    The villages here are almost all strung out along the roads , the lifelines to the outside world and the arteries of the comings and goings of everyday life , like getting to school .

  14. 他们一排一排地坐着。

    They sat in rows .

  15. 他们的车一排排井然有序地停放着。

    Their vehicles were parked in orderly rows .

  16. 一排人齐刷刷地把脸转向我们这边。

    A row of faces turned our way with one accord .

  17. 他们排去沼泽地的水,将它变成了肥沃的土地。

    They drained the swamp and turned it into fertile land .

  18. 原子在晶体里排成长长地平行链。

    Atoms in the crystal are arranged in long , parallel chains .

  19. 他们一排排整齐地停放他们的汽车。

    They parked their cars in neat rows .

  20. 士官向全排士兵大声地发出命令。

    The sergeant bellowed orders at the platoon .

  21. 我在泡沫板上喷上粘合剂,一排一排地把硬币粘在上面。

    I sprayed the foam board with adhesive and attached the pennies in rows .

  22. 清远市民族地区旅游资源的开发和利用&以连南排瑶聚居地旅游扶贫开发为例

    On the Exploitation and Utilization of the Travel Resources of the Ethnic Region in Qingyuan City

  23. 燃烧泥炭地或者排干泥炭地用于种植棕榈树等作物会把碳释放到大气中。

    Carbon is released when peatlands are burnt or drained to plant crops such as palm oil .

  24. 是加利福尼亚州戴维思的校园警察随意地往一排坐在地上的抗议者喷洒胡椒喷雾剂?

    Was it the campus police officer in Davis , California , casually pepper-spraying a line of seated protesters ?

  25. 通过排干泥炭地,农民正在让泥炭地产生周期性的火灾,而泥炭地火灾是造成全球变暖的元凶之一。

    By draining the peatlands , farmers are exposing them to recurrent fires , which are key contributors to climate change .

  26. 由于高校班密、课程数都相对较多,手工排课不可避免地要带来教师资源或教室资源的冲突的问题。

    The university class , course number are relatively more , the platoon class inevitably brings the teacher resources or classroom resource conflict .

  27. 大楼的前部顷刻之间就从其余部分裂开来,排浪式地坍倒在街上。

    All of a sudden the front of the building parted from the rest and fell like a breaking wave into the street .

  28. 赫敏艰难地穿过人群,来到斯内普所处的看台,此刻她正沿着他身后的那排座位飞快地走着;

    Hermione had fought her way across to the stand where Snape stood , and was now racing along the row behind him ;

  29. 试卷一排一排地往下发,我听见不断有人发出各种各样的怪叫:“天呀!”

    Dimly , as the examination sheets were passed up each row , I heard successive moans of various kinds : " Oh , No !"

  30. 因此,必须做好电气设备的保护接地和输油管线等设施及人体的排静电接地,并且要认真地进行检查和维护。

    Therefore , it is important to guarantee the grounding of electric equipment and electrostatic grounding of human body , while taking regular check and maintenance seriously .