
  • 网络Illegal publishing;illegal publication
  1. 重点开展整治侵权盗版和非法出版教材教辅活动,确保大中小学校学生不受侵权盗版和非法出版教材教辅产品的侵害。

    Focus on remediation piracy and illegal publishing textbooks for activities to ensure that middle school , students from piracy and illegal publication of textbooks for the product against .

  2. 政府说,要优先作出限制措施,先行发布禁令,禁止文件公布,不能等文件刊出以后再给非法出版课以处罚。

    The Government said it was entitled to a prior restraint , an order forbidding publication in the first place , not merely one imposing a penalty for unlawful publication after the words were out .

  3. 根据有关法律、法规的规定,对非法出版物流入图书馆,并造成不良后果负有责任的人员和单位应追究行政或刑事责任。

    According to laws and statutes in effect , The administrative and criminal responsibilities of the personnel and the units that are responsible for illegal publications sneaking into the libraries must be investigated under the law .

  4. 例如,违规出版行为未得到根本制止,非法出版活动屡禁不止,买卖书号现象仍有发生,侵权盗版活动在某些地区仍比较严重。

    For example , following the publication of behavior has not been fundamentally curb , illegal publishing activities is banned repeatedly more than , trading ISBN phenomenon still occur , piracy in some areas is still serious .