
  • 网络non-clinical
  1. 本文旨在通过对药品非临床研究与ADR监测区别与联系的分析,阐明二者之间的联系,使人们对药品安全性评价加以全面的认识。

    This paper analyzed and expressed the relationship and difference between non-clinical trial and ADR monitoring , lead a comprehensive understanding of drug safety evaluation .

  2. 为了保证该草案有良好的科学基础,FDA要求临床和非临床实验室通过公共网站向其提供必要的材料。

    To provide a scientific basis for the proposed standards , FDA requested the submission of clinical and non-clinical laboratory data to a public site created for this purpose .

  3. 药品上市前的安全性评价即非临床研究各项毒性实验以及新药临床试验(Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ期),而上市后的安全性评价则属于ADR监测范畴。

    The former stage includes non-clinical trial and clinical trial study while the latter is ADR monitoring stage .

  4. 外科组的乙肝病毒感染率高达43.0%,明显高于内科组的24.4%和非临床组的29.1%(P<0.001);

    The HBV infection rate in the surgical group was as high as 43 0 % , and was significantly higher than that of 24 4 % in the internal medical group and that of 29 1 % in the non clinical group ( P < 0 001 );

  5. 中国目前的新药研发要求必须具备GLP实验室的非临床研究结果,而目前国内的GLP建设存在许多问题。

    The R & D of new drug in China is required of non-clinical data from GLP labs ; however there are some problems existed in developing GLP .

  6. 药物安全性评价是指药物非临床安全评价即药物非临床研究,药物非临床研究质量管理规范即GLP。

    The safety evaluation of drugs refers to drugs non-clinical safety evaluation , or drugs non-clinical research , whose quality management practices are called Good Laboratory Practice ( GLP ) .

  7. 实施GLP可以提高药品非临床安全性评价研究的质量,减少人为误差,得到可信性高的实验数据,以保障人民用药安全。

    Finally the GLP to be carried out may improve medicine quality in non-security evaluation study , reduce man-made error , obtain experiment data of high reliability and ensure medicine security .

  8. 匹兹堡地区大医院UPMC本周说,作为其继续削减成本计划的一部分,将裁员500人。这次裁员基本都是在非临床人员中间进行,涉及医院网络的所有分支。

    In another ominous sign , UPMC , the big Pittsburgh-based hospital system , said this week it was laying off500 employees as part of continuing cost-savings initiatives .

  9. 对新药安全性实验实施质量监督检查是药物非临床研究质量管理规范(GLP)赋予质量保证部门(QAU)的重要职责。

    Study inspection of preclinical safety evaluation of drug is an important responsibility for quality assurance unit ( QAU ) with good laboratory practice ( GLP ) .

  10. 临床与非临床因素对原发性肝癌预后的影响

    Influence of Clinical and Non-clinical Elements on Prognosis of Hepatocellular Carcinoma

  11. 现在,我与thanksdoctor.co.uk进行了非临床方面的联系。

    Currently I have a strong but non-clinical association with thanksdoctor.co.uk .

  12. 非临床专业医学本科生临床课集中见习的初步评价

    Evaluation of centralized noviceship in clinical teaching for non-clinical medical undergraduates

  13. 儿童用药物非临床安全性评价

    Nonclinical safety evaluation of pediatric drug products in juvenile animals

  14. 中药与天然药物非临床药代动力学评价的思考

    Viewpoint on Non-clinical Pharmacokinetic Evaluation of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Natural Medicine

  15. 细胞毒类抗肿瘤新药非临床安全性评价的一般考虑

    General consideration for nonclinical safety evaluation of new anticancer drugs

  16. 重叠冠脉药物洗脱支架的临床研究及非临床评价

    Clinical Investigation and Nonclinical Evaluation of Overlapping Drug-Eluting Coronary Stents

  17. 单抗类生物制品非临床安全性研究和评价的考虑要点

    Consideration in non-clinical safety evaluation of monoclonal antibody products

  18. 狂犬病毒非临床型感染初探

    Studies on non clinical type infection of rabies virus

  19. 非临床焦虑者对正性词有外显的记忆优势。

    Anxious participants existed explicit memory to positive matter .

  20. 抗肿瘤生物制品非临床研究和评价的一般考虑

    General consideration of non-clinical evaluation for anti-tumor biologic products

  21. 对当前中药复方制剂非临床安全性评价的若干思考

    Considerations for current evaluation for nonclinical safety of compound preparations from traditional Chinese medicine

  22. 咪喹莫特乳膏的非临床安全性评价

    Safety evaluation for topical imiquimod cream in animals

  23. 目的:探讨狂犬病毒非临床型感染的可能性。

    Objective : To discover the possibility of rabies virus infection of non clinical type .

  24. 临床科组中有重叠感染现象而非临床科组中无。

    It was found no superimposing infection in non-clinical group but was in clinical group .

  25. 1135例曲面断层影像非临床要求疾病检出率的统计学分析

    1135 cases statistical analysis on prevalence of oral diseases with non-clinically request by panoramic radiography

  26. 目的:非临床影像直接筛选诊断高血压患者。

    Objective The not-clinical image sieves to examine a patient a high blood pressure sufferer directly .

  27. 非临床社交焦虑个体注意偏向的实验研究

    Attentional Bias in Non-clinical Social Anxiety

  28. 抗肿瘤新药临床试验和上市的非临床安全性评价要点

    Consideration on nonclinical evaluation for the conduct of human clinical trails and marketing authorization for new anticancer drugs

  29. 结果分析结果提示对一些填表随意性大,非临床一线科室及组织不力的科室个体效度偏低。

    Results Find that the validity of those who are not serious or not in clinical department is not high .

  30. 心电轴改良目测法及其临床应用评价中药注射剂过敏反应非临床评价方法

    Assessment of a simple visual method of cardiac electric axis Non-clinical evaluation on hypersensitivity induced by Chinese materia medica injections