
  • 网络law of obligations;obligation law
  1. 首先从物权法、债权法、知识产权法的角度对网络虚拟财产法律属性进行评析。

    First , we analysis the legal attribute of virtual property in the view of Property Law , Obligation Law and Intellectual Property Law .

  2. 从交易的整个宏观层面上来讲,在债权法中,我国对无权处分行为与善意取得制度之规定应是统一于交易安全原则之中;

    So , in term of whole macroscopical aspect of the trade , they shall be unified into the principle of trade security in the obligation law ;

  3. 现代债权法的主要重点,可以说在于规范损害赔偿、在于损害赔偿之债。

    The major focuses of modern debtor - creditor law is to regulate compensatory damages .

  4. 物权法和债权法的分立起源于罗马法。

    The partition of law of material right and law of obligation originated from Roman Law .

  5. 对占有保护的方法主要分为物权法上的保护和债权法上的保护。

    Method of possession protection is mainly divided into the protection of real right law and law of obligation .

  6. 对于一物二卖,债权法只能提供事后救济,而且其他债权人的特定利益难以实现。

    The law of obligation can only provide post relief to the creditor of the properties being sold to two creditors ;

  7. 由于物权法与债权法的区别和对立,决定了物权法宜采用物权法定原则,债权法宜采用私法自治原则。

    Furthermore , it is a close relationship between the autonomy of private law and the principle of statutory real right .

  8. 在债权法上,期待权受到侵权行为法和不当得利法的保护。

    In the creditor 's rights law , anticipated the power receives the abuse of authority law and not when profits the law protection .

  9. 认为占有保护体系分为物权法上的保护与债权法上的保护两大类型,本文采用了此种观点。

    As an protection system is divided into law the protection and claims on the protection of law two types , this paper adopted the idea .

  10. 抵押担保横跨物权法与债权法两大领域,被人誉为担保之王。

    Mortgaging the guarantee crosses the real right method and legal right method two greatest realms , was been a " king of the guarantee " by person 's.

  11. 根据现代民法物权债权法理论和立法实践,抵押合同的生效与抵押权的生效是两个不同的概念。

    According to the theory and the practice of the legislation of the real right and the obligation , the mortgage contracts being validated is different fiom the mortgages being validated .

  12. 但在具体的救济方式上各国立法又有不同,德国和我国台湾地区仅采用债权法上的救济,而未作其他规定。

    As for the discrepancies , the civil laws in Germany and Taiwan Region of China merely rest on relief in the law of obligation with no further stipulation in property law .

  13. 从票据、提单权利可以适用善意取得的论述中,阐明了债权法中也有可以适用善意取得的情形发生。

    Can in the suitable argumentation that make with good intention , expound from note , bill of lading right creditor 's rights law situation can suitable to apply with good intention makinged to have take place too .

  14. 从近些年各国立法实践和理论研究的情况看,情事变更制度已成为当代债权法中一项重要的法律制度,其立法化也已成为不可逆转的趋势。

    With the recent years ' studies of theory and practice in lawmaking in many countries , clausula rebus sic stantibus has become important legal institutions in modern law of obligation , and the official lawmaking will be an inevitable trend .

  15. 关于占有改定和指示交付,尽管其不具有公示功能,但考虑到其可以在当事人之间引起物权变动,故仍可在债权法中规定之。

    About alteration of possession and indicative consignment , although they have not the function of public declaration , they still be able to cause the change of movable property between the parties , so creditor 's rights law should stipulate them .

  16. 论合同债权的侵权法保护

    On the Tort Law Protection of Contract Creditor 's Rights

  17. 在立法模式的选择上,本文主张将第三人侵害债权纳入侵权法体系进行调整,并采用概括式加列举式的立法模式。

    In the choice of the legislative model , it is proposed that the legal remedy system of the third party infringing obligatory rights should be write-in the Tort Law , and should adopt general and special statements .

  18. 论债权总则给付障碍法的体系进路

    Systematic approach of default in performance in general debt law of civil code

  19. 作为破产法核心概念之一的破产债权,是破产法修订工作需要重点考察的主要内容。

    As one of core concepts of bankruptcy law , credit of bankrupt is one of main content that revising work of bankruptcy law need inspect emphatically .

  20. 第三人侵害债权制度是合同法和侵权行为法为保障债权人的利益而相互渗透和融合的产物。

    The system of infringement of obligatory right by third party is the result of combination of contract law and tort law for the benefit of creditor .

  21. 第三人侵害债权制度是侵权法突破债的相对性、保护债权人利益的重要制度。

    The system of the third party " s infringement of creditors ' rights is an important system that tort law breaks the relativity of debt and protects the creditors " rights .

  22. 关于集体合同的效力,笔者尝试在比较英国和德国以及我国台湾地区理论的基础上,从物权效力、债权效力和组织法效力三个方面来讨论集体合同的效四川大学硕士学位论文力问题。

    About the validity of the collective agreement , I attempt to discuss from the aspects of real right validity , obligatory right validity and organization validity , on the foundation of the comparison among the varied theories from Britain , Germany and Taiwan .

  23. 劳动债权与有担保债权在破产法上的清偿顺位安排

    Orderly Arranged Discharge on Claim of Labor and Secured Claim in Bankruptcy Law

  24. 特种债权本身具有优先效力,其实现本质上属于债权法、程序法而非物权法的范畴。

    The special obligatory itself has a prior validity , and its realization is a category which belongs to law of obligation and procedural law , not to real right law .

  25. 该部分将破产人可能涉及的债权分为七类,包括担保债权、劳动债权、特别法规定的优先权、国家债权、侵权行为之债、普通债权及其他债权。

    In this part , the writer classifies the claims against the bankrupt into seven kinds , including the secured claims , claims of laborers , preferred claims provided by special laws , government claims , claims for tort damages , common claims and other claims .