
yuán gào
  • plaintiff;complainant;prosecutor;demandant
原告 [yuán gào]
  • [plaintiff] 诉讼中提出诉讼的一方

原告[yuán gào]
  1. 原告唯一的证人嗜赌成性,游手好闲,其证词一下子就被推翻了。

    The plaintiff 's sole witness , a gambler and layabout , was easily discredited .

  2. A先生作原告的辩护人,B先生作被告的辩护人。

    Mr. A was counsel for the plaintiff , and Mr. B for the defendant .

  3. 他的罪行已被原告方证实确凿无疑。

    His guilt was proved beyond all doubt by the prosecution .

  4. 原告律师詹姆斯∙斯潘塞指称证人在撒谎。

    James Spencer , prosecuting , claimed that the witness was lying .

  5. 原告竭力削弱证人的可信性。

    The prosecution did its best to undermine the credibility of the witness .

  6. 他是原告证人。

    He was a witness for the prosecution .

  7. 原告和被告你来我往,互相指责。

    The prosecution and defense were bandying accusations back and forth .

  8. 原告遭到了公众的憎恨、非议与蔑视。

    The complainant has been exposed to public odium , scandal and contempt .

  9. 原告坚持说不存在任何交易。

    Prosecutors maintain no deal was made

  10. 她告诉法庭她会在星期一对原告方的决定作出全面解释。

    She told the court she would give a full explanation of the prosecution 's decision on Monday

  11. 原告控告被告犯有欺诈罪。

    The prosecutor accused the defendant of fraud .

  12. 证人经原告律师讯问后,获准离开法庭。

    After further examination by the prosecution the witness was allowed to leave the court .

  13. 谁替原告出庭?

    Who appeared for the plaintiff ?

  14. 被告反诉原告诬陷。

    The defendant made an opposing claim against the plaintiff by saying that the latter had accused him falsely .

  15. 第五十二条原告可以放弃或者变更诉讼请求。

    Article 52 The plaintiff may relinquish or modify his claims .

  16. 原告和被告都成功地通过了第一项测试

    The accused and accusers all succeed in outweighing the Bible .

  17. 他试图反驳原告方证人所作的断言。

    He attempts to rebut the assertion made by the prosecution witness .

  18. 原告律师反对被告的休庭申请。

    Counsel for the plaintiff opposed the defendant 's application for an adjournment .

  19. 法官判原告胜诉。

    The judge decided in favor of the plaitiff .

  20. 法官判由原告向被告支付诉讼费。

    The judge awarded costs to the defendant .

  21. 判决原告胜诉。

    Judgment was entered for the plaintiff .

  22. 原告提起民事诉讼,首先要找到对该案件有管辖权的适当的法院。

    To start a civil suit the plaintiff first picks the proper court , one that has jurisdiction in the case .

  23. 原告也认为这是一个非常成熟的可以做即决判决(summaryjudgment)的案件。

    The plaintiff considered the case to be ripe for summary judgment .

  24. 原告持有的是所谓的LiborPlus浮动利率抵押贷款。

    The plaintiffs held so-called Libor Plus adjustable-rate mortgages .

  25. 代表原告方的律师,以及代表在Macondo井工作的钻井公司的律师,询问了英国石油公司的马克·布莱所做的调查工作。

    Attorneys for the plaintiffs and companies that helped drill the Macondo well grilled BP 's Mark Bly about his investigation .

  26. 与此同时,最近发生针对全国橄榄球联盟NFL的集体诉讼案,原告方代表2000名前橄榄球运动员,他们称NFL在他们打球的时候故意隐藏了一些关于大脑受伤的外科伤害方面的信息。

    Meanwhile , the class-action lawsuit filed recently against the National Football League on behalf of the 2000 former players alleges the NFL withheld information about traumatic brain injuries during their years of play .

  27. 行政诉讼中的原告资格问题是行政诉讼中的一个重要问题。

    The problem of plaintiff qualification is important in administrative lawsuit .

  28. 原告方指出,商业广告是姚明的主要收入来源。

    Commercial advertising is now Yao 's major source of income .

  29. 反正最后她们都做了“原告”

    In the end they were all called " plaintiff . "

  30. 试论环境公益诉讼适格原告

    On Qualified Plaintiff in the Environmental Suit of the Public Benefit