
yuán fēn shēng zǔ zhī
  • promeristem
原分生组织[yuán fēn shēng zǔ zhī]
  1. 原分生组织具有典型分生组织的细胞特征;

    Promeristem possessed the typical cell characteristics of meristem .

  2. 北柴胡叶的发育包括原分生组织、初生分生组织及成熟结构3个阶段。

    Leaves could be divided into three stages : promeristem , primary meristem and mature structure . The leaf of Bupleurum chinense DC .

  3. 根状茎顶端的原分生组织由3~5个鳞片包被。

    The primordial meristem at the tip of rhizome is surrounded by 3-5 lepises .

  4. 叶的发育包括原分生组织、初生分生组织和成熟结构3个阶段,其叶为典型的等面叶。

    The development of leaf includes original meristem , primary meristem and mature structure of three stages .

  5. 牛膝根及茎的发育均包括原分生组织、初生分生组织、初生生长、次生生长和三生生长5个发育阶段。

    The development of A. bidentata root and stem was divided into five developmental stages , which were promeristem , primary meristem , primary structure , secondary structure and tertiary growth .

  6. 在未出现油细胞以前,上述器官的基本分生组织和原分生组织中,难以区分油细胞的原始细胞与周围细胞。

    Before the oil cells can be distinguished , it is difficult to tell oil cell initials from surrounding cells in the primordial meristem and ground meristem of leaf and shoot .

  7. 结果表明,北柴胡根的发育包括原分生组织、初生分生组织、初生结构和次生生长4个发育阶段。

    The results showed that the development of Bupleurum chinense DC . roots could be divided into four stages , promeristem , primary meristem , primary structure and secondary stages of growth .

  8. 原分生组织由3群原始细胞组成,其细胞具有典型分生组织细胞学特征;初生分生组织包括根冠原、表皮原、皮层原和中柱原。

    The promeristem consisted of three groups of primitive cells which had the cytological characteristics of typical meristem cells and the primary meristem was composed of calyptrogens , dermatogen , periblems and pleromes .

  9. 初生分生组织由原表皮、基本分生组织和原形成层组成。初生分生组织的衍生细胞分化形成茎的初生结构,包括表皮、皮层、维管束、髓和髓射线。

    The primary structure consisted of epidermis , cortex , vascular system , pith and pith ray .

  10. 原体:位于原套下的分生组织的中央区域,细胞可以进行各个方向的分裂,不断增加体积。

    Corpus The central region of the meristem below the tunica where cell divisions are in all directions giving both increased width and length to the apex .

  11. 心形胚继续发育形成鱼雷期胚时,原表皮、基本分生组织和原形成层的分化已经比较明显。

    When the mature heart-shape embryo proceeds with the development that leads to the formation of the torpedo stage , the procuticle , meristematic tissue and protocambium have differentiated obviously .

  12. 认为晚稻全株幼穗分化期的序列现象是生长点的继发性变化,是叶片生长序列以及昼长、温度等内外条件的生理效应,而非原发性的分生组织生理年龄的表现。

    It was considered to be a successive change on the growing point , and the physiological effects of leaf growth sequence , day length and temperature ete , but not a manifestation of the original " physiological age of the meristem " .