
zhài quán hé tonɡ
  • contract for credit;creditor's contract
  1. 和解合同不必定为债权合同,而是有可能为物权合同或准物权合同;

    A compromise contract is not necessarily a creditor 's contract and may be a real contract .

  2. 现行无权处分的立法不够完善,应需对其重新建构,但摆在面前的问题是如何兼顾逻辑上统一与法律上的公平。若承认债权合同有效,所有人的追认又如何认定?

    The current unauthorized disposition legislation is not perfect and needed to be reconstructed , but the problem confronted is how to balance the logical unity and fairness in the law .

  3. 股权与债权合同各有优劣,验证成本和信号机制的健全与否成为我们评价融资合同的主要因素。

    As either shareholding contracts or liability contracts have advantages and disadvantages , the cost of verification and the signalling mechanism are taken as the main factors in evaluating a financing contract .

  4. 书面形式是抵押合同的成立生效要件,抵押人、抵押权人、以自己的财产设定抵押权的第三人在主债权合同及抵押合同中皆处于不同的利益循环之中。

    A mortgage contract should be concluded in writing . Mortgagor , mortgagee and the third party who set up the right of mortgage on his own property are all in different circulation of interest .

  5. 在德国法下,停止条件是法律行为生效的特别要件;而根据法国法,它是债权合同履行的条件。

    Under Germen legal system , conditions precedent is a special requirement for a juristic act to take effect , while according to French Code Civil , it is only a requirement for the performance of a contract .

  6. 通过比较法研究各国无权处分制度,各国并无与我国《合同法》第51条相类似的规定,绝大多数国家规定为债权合同有效。市场经济就是法治经济。

    The comparative studies of legal regulations of unauthorized disposition in other jurisdictions reveal that the majority of countries have recognized the validity of contract involving unauthorized disposition . As we know , market economy is based on rule of law .

  7. 统一合同法颁布之前,我国的立法及司法实务中将无权处分的债权合同视为无效合同。而合同法颁布之后,合同法第51条将无权处分的债权合同规定为效力待定的合同。

    Contract for debts without authorized disposition right was regarded as invalid in our legislation and judicial practice before the promulgation of uniform law of contract , but then it was regulated as a pending valid contract by the article 51 of the law of contract .

  8. 担保合同是主债权债务合同的从合同。

    A security contract shall be a subordinate one to the principal contract .

  9. 主债权债务合同无效,担保合同无效,但法律另有规定的除外。

    Unless it is otherwise prescribed by any law , the security contract shall be invalid when the principal contract is nullified .

  10. 同时,应当区分产生被让与债权的合同、债权让与的原因合同、债权让与合同、债权让与等几个概念的不同内涵。

    Contract that creates the credit , cause of credit-assignment , contract of credit-assignment , assignment of credit , are several different concept .

  11. 第三章对债权让与合同的内容,让与人、受让人与债务人之间的法律关系及让与合同的内外部法律效力进行了深入研究。

    Chapter III makes a study on the content of the assignment contract , also it makes a research in a full scale on the legal relations between the assignor , the assignee and the debtor and on the internal and external legal validity of the assignment contract .

  12. 在资产转让章节分析了债权转让、合同更新和从属参与这三种转让形式中遇到的法律难题。

    In the assets transferred to chapter analyses the credit transfer , the contract and subordinate to participate in these three kinds of forms of legal problem .

  13. 第三人侵害债权制度是合同法和侵权行为法为保障债权人的利益而相互渗透和融合的产物。

    The system of infringement of obligatory right by third party is the result of combination of contract law and tort law for the benefit of creditor .

  14. 李斌律师有多年企业工作经历,尤长于债权清收、合同纠纷和公司法律事务处理。

    In addition , Lawyer Li Bin ever worked in a corporation for many years , and is familiar with the recovery of creditors'rights and the settlement of contract disputes and corporation legal affairs .

  15. 合同未生效期间,债务人转移责任财产侵害债权人债权,认定合同无效或者解除合同并不一定能充分保护债权人利益。

    During the contract is not in force , the debtor transfer the property to damage the interests of the creditor . To cancel the contract or to invalidate the contract are not the best way to protect the interests of creditors .

  16. 依照我国现行法律制度,小产权房所面临法律困境主要有:立法上的冲突、物权方面的问题、债权方面买卖合同的效力问题以及对小产权房的继承、监管等其他方面的法律问题。

    Face legal difficulties , small property in accordance with the existing legal system in China mainly include : legislative conflicts , property rights issues , the validity of contract for the sale of claims and the small property inheritance , supervision and other legal issues .

  17. 最好的例证是积极侵害债权也被纳入合同责任制度的范畴。

    The best example is actively infringement claims , is taken into the category of the contract responsibility system .

  18. 本合同期满时,合同项下的任何未了的债权债务不受合同期满的影响。

    The outstanding credit and debt between the parties under Contract shall not be affected upon the termination or expiration of Contract .

  19. 债权让与涉及让与合同外的债务人和第三人利益,因此其在让与双方间生效后存在一个对外效力问题。

    Right assignment is relates to the debtor 's and the third party 's interests , so after has the internal validity between contract parties , it also should has the external interests .

  20. 本文对将缔约过失责任归属于债权的责任或合同责任的观点进行了评述,指出了其弊端,提出将缔约过失责任作为一个独立的民事责任。

    This article tackles the viewpoint that the contracting negligence liability belongs to the liability for tort or contractual liability and points out its defects , proposing that contracting negligence liability be an independent liability .

  21. 代位权制度加大了对债权人债权的保护,合同法实施后,代位权诉讼呈不断上升的趋势。

    The system of subrogation right enhances the protection of the rights and interests of the creditor , and after the coming into force of the Contract Law , the subrogation right litigation tends to be more and more in number .

  22. 转让债权的有效存在,并不是债权转让合同的生效要件。

    The effective existence of the transfer of claims is not the effective element of the assignment of claims ' contract .

  23. 确定债权让与的法律模式,实质就是确定债权让与合同与债权让与通知各自的性质和地位,明确它们在债权让与中发挥的作用。

    In essence the choice of legal mode of obligatory rights assignment is to define the characteristics and function of contract and notification of obligatory assignment , and also define the role they play in the activities of obligatory assignment .

  24. 第三部分,如需正确论述债权让与契约的效力,首先需明确其性质&债权让与契约非通说之准物权契约,实为债权合同。

    Part three : in order to rightly discuss the effect of credit assignment contract , first we should make clear of its nature & not a quasi real right contract , but a credit contract .

  25. 在债权让与制度长期的历史演变过程中,各主要国家都形成了各具特色的债权让与法律模式,但当前普遍以债权让与合同作为债权变动标准的作法并不可取。

    As the result of long historical changing process of system of assignment of obligatory rights , There have been respectively characteristic legal modes of assignment of obligatory rights in many representative countries .