
zhài quán rànɡ yǔ
  • assignment of credit
  1. 债权让与制度研究上市公司股利分配政策研究

    Research on the Assignment of Credit Study on the Dividend Policy

  2. 债权让与制度若干问题研究

    Study on Several Issues in the System of Assignment of Credit

  3. 第四章就MBS的债权让与及负外部性等技术性问题作了初步研究;

    The fourth chapter makes the preliminary study on negative exterior nature and the transferation of MBS creditor 's rights .

  4. 明确了债权让与通知的主体除让与人外,还应包括受让人。

    It clears that subject should include assignee except for grantor .

  5. 笔者认为判决书的转让其实质是一种确定的债权让与。

    The Transfer of the verdict means the doubtless credit-assignment .

  6. 国际保理的法律基础是债权让与。

    The legal basis of international factoring is the assignment of claims .

  7. 在不同的立法环境下,债权让与有着不同的构成。

    Credit-assignment consists of different composition under different rules .

  8. 债权让与受让人利益之保护

    Protection of Assignee Interests in the Assignment of Credit

  9. 债权让与通知是一种观念通知;

    The notice of transfering the creditor 's right is a notice of concept .

  10. 债权让与通知若干法律问题探讨

    Study on several legal problems about the notice of transfering the creditor 's right

  11. 债权让与突破了债的相对性,是经济发展的结果。

    With the development of the economy , credit-assignment violates the relativity theory of credit .

  12. 两类将来债权让与的标的基础的确定性不同,因此,不同类型的将来债权让与的让与规则并不完全一致。

    Two types of the assignment has certainty different basis making the assignment rules different .

  13. 债权让与通知论

    On the Noticing of Assignment of Credit

  14. 雕琢民法草案中的债权让与&建立统一对抗要件

    Think about the Right Assignment in the Civil Law draft & Establish the Uniform Counter Mode

  15. 资产证券化中的债权让与法律问题

    Legal Problems of Credit-assignment in Securitization

  16. 债权让与研究

    Research on the Assignment of Credit

  17. 随后考察罗马法中债权让与制度之历史演进。

    Roman law claims in the subsequent study to the history and evolution of the system .

  18. 所以,第一章首先考察罗马法中债权让与制度之历史演进。

    Thus , Chapter 1 firstly studies the historical evolution of assignment of rights in Roman law .

  19. 英美法的债权让与制度的发展与罗马法有着很大的相似之处。

    Common Law system and claims to the development of Roman law and there are great similarities .

  20. 第一章首先对债权让与之逻辑结构以及利益平衡之必要性等基本问题进行了界定。

    Chapter one firstly establishes the logic structure of assignments and the necessary of the balancing of interests .

  21. 对我国债权让与立法规定的现状进行分析,指出我国立法存在的不足。

    To our country claims legist legislation present situation analysis , pointed out that our country legislation deficiency .

  22. 债权让与通知的效力主要包括对债务人的效力以及对债务人以外的第三人的效力。

    Validity of the notice is distinguished as validity to the debtor and validity to the third party .

  23. 明确指出民法普通债权让与采无因性原则并无实际意义。

    Clearly pointed out that ordinary civil claims for mining without reason and the principle of no practical significance .

  24. 域外的实践表明,将来债权让与能够作为一种有效的融资手段。

    Overseas practice shows that the assignment of future claims can be used as an effective means of financing .

  25. 债权让与是资产证券化融资的第一步,也是其成功与否的关键所在。

    Assignment of credit is the first step of finance securitization , and the key step of its success .

  26. 债权让与通知属于需要受领的准法律行为,让与通知实际到达债务人时对债务人发生效力。

    The transference notification of credit is a quasi-juristic act , which goes into effect when delivered to the debtor .

  27. 而债权让与制度的根本问题是债权让与法律模式的选择问题。

    The essential problem of system for obligatory rights assignment is how to choose legal mode of obligatory rights assignment .

  28. 代位制度起源于罗马法的债权让与,是因为罗马社会经济的发展。

    The subrogation system originates the obligation right rendition of roman law , because of the shape of Rome community economy .

  29. 而社会经济的发展、尤其是商品经济的产生,为债权让与制度提供了巨大的社会动力。

    The development of society economy , especially the merchandise economy come into being , offer greatness society power for it .

  30. 债权让与制度虽已在我国的合同法中得以确立,但该法的规定过于概括,其理论研究也并未深入。

    Although the credit-assignment had been established in the Contract Law , the provision and the reserch on theory are simple .