
  1. 土地使用权公开挂牌交易的,应公告最低交易价和其他交易条件。

    Land access hangs out his shingle publicly trade , should announcement lowest trades valence and other trading terms .

  2. 未上市的公司的股票不能在证交所或其他股票市场公开挂牌交易。

    The unlisted companies can not trade their securities through the listing system at the stock exchange or other stock markets .

  3. 吉祥航空于5月27日首次公开募股,挂牌交易,自那以来股价每天都封住10%的涨停板。

    The airline sold shares in an initial public offering May 27 and has risen by the exchange-imposed limit of 10 % each day since .