
  1. 控制性详细规划中公共配套设施规划研究

    The Study of the Public Supporting Facilities in Regulatory Plan

  2. 还配有无障碍客房及无障碍公共配套设施。

    The hotel is also equipped with obstacle-free rooms and corresponding facilities .

  3. 大规模居住社区公共配套设施的经营布局和发展趋势;饮料加工企业的微生物控制

    The development of public establishments ; Control of microbiology in the soft drinks establishments

  4. 住区公共配套设施的有效配置是促进新区居住空间健康发展的重要方面。

    Public facilities are closely related to the healthy development of residential space in new urban district .

  5. 然而,在现状调查中发现,居民在入住以后,对房屋区中公共配套设施方面的诉求越来越多。

    However , the Survey found that after households stay , the increasing number of complaints of public service facilities in residential areas .

  6. 第二章主要介绍我国控制性详细规划体系和国外类似规划控制理论、公共配套设施相关概念,以及目前重庆市及国内其他城市控规编制中对公共配套设施的规划控制。

    The chapter ⅱ mainly introduce the regulatory plan system in china and the related theory and concept overseas about the public supporting facilities also mention the .

  7. 城市公共配套设施承担着居民的基本生活需求,是城市正常运转的基本保障。

    The public supporting facilities in city takes on the primary living demand of resident , and also is the primary guarantee to the normal work of city .

  8. 建设规模及主要建设内容:萝岗新城核心“十公里地带”、天鹿湖旅游度假区及公共配套设施建设等。

    I.Construction Scale and Main Content of Construction : Construction of " 10-km-area " in the core of Luogang New Town , Tianlu Lake Tourist Resort and the public supporting facilities .

  9. 其次,这三个行为过程都发生在车站之内,车站室内空间环境和公共配套设施很大程度上影响到乘客心理和生理的舒适程度。

    Second , these three behavioral processes all take place at the station , so the station indoor space environment and public facilities greatly affected the passenger psychological and physical comfort .

  10. 最后部分以钢花新村为例,从住宅单体、交通系统、绿化景观、公共配套设施几个方面进行全面具体的改造设计。

    Village to spend the last part of steel , for example , from a single house , transportation systems , green landscape , several aspects of public facilities to conduct a comprehensive transformation of a specific design .

  11. 作为居住区公共配套服务设施的居住区商业伴随着国家经济的发展不断地发生着变化。

    Commercial facilities are changing with the development of national economy as a public service facilities in residential area .

  12. 但是在今天看来,由于新城城市要素的缺失、人均享有的公共配套等设施过少,使之只能被称为没有实现其城市功能延伸的孤岛社区。

    But today it seems that , due to new city elements of the missing , per capita public supporting facilities such as a little , which can only be called did not achieve its city function extending " isolated island communities " .