
  • 网络land compensation
  1. 征地补偿费与土地一、二级市场上的价格相差悬殊,形成了巨大的利益空间。

    As there is difference between land compensation fees and market price , the great benefit space appears .

  2. 然而,一些地方征地拆迁安置程序不规范,补偿不透明,致使挪用甚至截留农民征地补偿费的现象时有发生。

    However , some local land expropriation relocation program is not standard , compensation opaque , the appropriation of the land compensation fees even intercept farmers frequently occurred .

  3. 对中国农村征地补偿费分配纠纷的思考

    A Reflection on Dispute of Allocation of Chinese Rural Land Requisition Compensation Fee

  4. 河北省城市郊区征地补偿费改革实践及其借鉴

    A Study of the Practice of Compensation for Land Confiscation in City Suburbs of Hebei Province

  5. 本文还对完善征地补偿费分配纠纷司法救济制度进行了进一步的研究。

    The researcher further analyzes the ways to improve the compensation for land collection disputes in judicial relief distribution system .

  6. 一些不能及时全额拿到征地补偿费的农民采取极端手段表达不满,有的甚至酿成了惨剧。

    Some can not be full of land requisition compensation to farmers take extreme measures to express discontent , some even a tragedy .

  7. 2009年6月领取到征地补偿费,补偿标准与文件规定一致。

    His family received compensation for land requisition jun. , 2009 and its standard is in accordance with the provisions in the ducumment .

  8. 因此,根据公平原则,征地补偿费应当包括农地的市场价值、农地的社会保障价值及相关补助金。

    Therefore , according to the fair principle , compensation for requisitioned land should include market value , social security value and the correlation subsidy .

  9. 所有征地补偿费全部直接分配到受影响户,村不调整土地。

    All the compensation for land requisition shall be allocated directly to the affected households , and the land can not be adjusted by the village .

  10. 南昌市青云谱区青云谱乡施尧村因未依法公布村务、财务和分配征地补偿费的行为而被村民告上法庭。

    Shiyao village committee of Nanchang city has been sued because the committee has not announced administrative and financial affairs and distributing of compensation of expropriation land .

  11. 调整征地补偿费的分配和使用方式,将经济补偿、就业安置、创业资本、社会保障多种补偿形式结合,取代一次性货币补偿;

    Adjustment of the distribution and use of land acquisition compensation , economic compensation , job placement , venture capital , and social security in various forms of compensation to replace one-time monetary compensation .

  12. 征地补偿费的确定和分配一直是征地制度改革中重要的组成部分。

    The purpose of the paper is to confirm and distribute land requisition compensation cost , harmonize the benefits of government , village and present , presents , the rights and interests of the presents .

  13. 土地资源、土地制度、农地收益等是种植业安置的限制因素,建议提高征地补偿费和开发潜在的农业资源。

    Land resources , land institution , farmland income and so on are the restrictions of farming resettlement . The essay proposes to raise the compensation for land acquisition and develop the potential agricultural resources .

  14. 针对上述两大难点、热点问题,本文提出了合理认定农村集体经济组织成员资格的3个原则和处置征地补偿费的两个方向。

    To solve the problems above , this paper proposes three guidelines to rationally confirm the qualification of the rural collective economic organization membership , and two ways to deal with the compensation for land requisition as well .

  15. 征地补偿费即便不能做到对失地损失的全额赔偿,至少应保证及时足额支付置换农民原有资产的费用。

    Land requisition compensation for lost land can not be achieved even if the loss of " full compensation ", it should at least guarantee the timely payment of full replacement cost of assets of the original farmers .

  16. 本研究的主要结论是:首先,国家现行征地补偿费标准远远不能弥补农民和集体的损失,土地征用导致农民经济福利下降;

    The main conclusion of this research is : First of all , the current standard of national compensation in expropriation of land is far from remedying peasant 's loss , land acquisition causes peasant 's economic welfare to drop .

  17. 近年来,越来越多的征地补偿费分配纠纷案件诉至法院,法院受理后对诉讼主体的确定以及案件实体争议如何处理等问题分歧较大,裁判结果也不尽一致。

    In recent years , more and more land expropriation compensation distribution dispute cases to the court , court of litigation subject after the case to determine how the substantive dispute and wide divergence processing , the referee results also uneven .

  18. 鉴于征地补偿费分配与农民切身利益密切相关,涉及人数较多,牵涉面广,严重影响农村社会稳定,因此如何解决此类问题成为当务之急。

    In view of land expropriation compensation distribution is closely related with farmers vital interests , involving larger population , they are wide , seriously affect the stability of the rural society , so how to solve such problem has become a top priority .

  19. 而征地补偿安置费的分配与土地承包、土地调整紧密联系。

    The relocation payment distribution combines the land contract and land adjustment together . 4 .

  20. 现阶段,土地权利量问题集中表现为征地补偿安置费的分配。

    Currently the land right amount of rural collective members focuses on the distribution of relocation payment .

  21. 近年来,因征地补偿安置费的分配,使集体成员的土地权利量问题瞬间爆发出来,对农村社会的稳定及和谐社会的构建带来了很大的隐患。

    In recent years this problem booms out when the distribution of relocation payment occurs , which brings hidden troubles for the stability of rural society and the construction of harmonious society .

  22. 然而在征地过程中,过低的征地补偿费产生了一系列的外部成本,最终导致土地资源配置效率低下,威胁粮食安全,影响社会稳定,为经济发展带来了隐患。

    A series of external costs has been caused by the low standard compensation of land requisition in this course , resulting in low efficiency of land use , food insecurity , social instability , and endangering economic development .

  23. 征地区片综合地价的产生是征地制度改革进程中重要的里程碑,旨在解决征地过程中补偿费偏低、随意性大和同地不同价等突出问题。

    The creation of integrated land price for expropriation of large tracts of land is an important milestone in the course of reformation of the land system .