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zhēng zhào
  • call up;conscript;draft;enlist;appoint to an official position
征召 [zhēng zhào]
  • (1) [draft;conscript]∶政府召集人民服务;征求召集

  • 征召所有身体健壮的青年

  • (2) [appoint to an official position]∶授予官职

征召[zhēng zhào]
  1. 他们决定征召足够数量的预备队役入伍。

    They decided to call up an adequate number of reserves .

  2. 届时,排位赛和练习赛都可以选择征召模式。

    Initially Draft Mode will be available both in Ranked Play and in practice games .

  3. 美国已经征召了约15万名预备役军人。

    The United States has called up some 150,000 military reservists .

  4. 快上大学的青年人受到征召。

    Youngsters coming up to university were being called up

  5. 他不是因为这次战争才被征召入伍的,他是自愿加入海军的。

    He wasn 't drafted for the war ; he volunteered for the Navy .

  6. 在被征召入队参加与巴基斯坦的比赛后,我为前往印度的行程做了充分准备。

    I had done enough after being recalled against Pakistan to have got on the tour to India .

  7. 村民们生活在恐惧之中,害怕随时会被征召入伍。

    The villagers lived in fear of being conscripted at any time .

  8. 眼下征召令将限于二十五岁以下的男子。

    For the time being the call-up will be confined to men under the age of twenty-five .

  9. 无论是被征召服役的战士们、被迫分离的家人,还是被要求从事新职业、学习新技术以支援战争的人们,每个人都有自己的职责。

    Whether it be the men and women called up to serve , families separated from each other , or people asked to take up new roles and skills to support the war effort . All had a part to play .

  10. 她认为完全不应该征召女性入伍,为了倡导这个理念,1982年,她建立了妇女和平组织(womenforpeace)。

    She objected to women being drafted at all , and in 1982 formed women for peace to make the point .

  11. 现在,华纳兄弟公司已征召Friends的编剧大卫克兰和玛尔塔考夫曼来编写和制作《老友记》电影版,并准备在2011年夏天上映。

    But now Warner Brothers have drafted in Friends creators David Crane and Marta Kauffman to write and produce the film , due in cinemas in the summer of 2011 .

  12. 还不清楚FDA是否会允许征召新的受试者,以及是否会最终取消这些药物试验。

    It is unclear whether it will allow additional subjects to be enrolled or whether it will ultimately cancel the drug trials .

  13. 然而,事实却并非如此。多数美国人都不愿参战,使得乔治·华盛顿将军(GeneralGeorgeWashington)上书要求首届联邦政府进行入伍征召。

    However , the truth is that there were very few truly committed volunteer soldiers in the war , so much so that General George Washington actually wanted the first United States government to conscript soldiers .

  14. 许多人要为此付出努力,从FBI特工到情报间谍,以及我们已经征召的预备役士兵。

    Many will be involved in this effort ; from FBI agents to intelligence operatives to the reservists we have called to active duty .

  15. 这种充满戏剧性且推广性很强的比赛结局正是CBA高管多年前开始大力征召NBA前球星以来梦想出现的场面。

    It was the sort finish -- dramatic , supremely marketable -- that CBA executives have been dreaming of ever since they started pushing hard to recruit former NBA players a couple of years ago .

  16. 在七月,FDA停止了一项比较文迪雅和Actos(Takeda药业的一种竞争药物)心脏病风险的新临床试验的征召工作。

    In July , FDA halted enrollment in new clinical trials that would compare the health risks of Avandia with those of Actos , a competing drug by Takeda Pharmaceuticals .

  17. 大阪市市长桥下彻(ToruHashimoto)要求韩国政府提供证据,证明这些妇女是日本军队通过暴力恐吓强行征召的。多次民调显示桥下彻是下一任日本首相的热门人选。

    Osaka Mayor Toru Hashimoto , who has topped some polls as the most popular choice for the next prime minister , challenged the South Korean government to provide proof that the women were forcibly taken by the Japanese military through ' violence or intimidation . '

  18. 新征召的军人刚配备好个人装具。

    The new intake of soldiers has just been kitted out .

  19. 新兵征召军官让吉姆签约在军中服役四年。

    The recruiting officer signed Jim up for a four-year hitch .

  20. 战争开始时他就被征召入伍了。

    He was called up at the beginning of the war .

  21. 国家安全局直接从高中征召

    NSA 's recruiting right out of high school these days .

  22. 他离开了美国以免被征召入伍。

    He left America so that he could avoid the draft .

  23. 美国已经征召了约15万名预备役军人。选中,挑选(…参加运动队)

    The United States has called up some 150000 military reservists .

  24. 射杀任何拒绝征召的人的家属。

    To shoot the family of anyone who refused to come .

  25. 埃及取消了休假,征召了大批后备部队。

    Egypt canceled leaves , called up large numbers of reserves .

  26. 不止我们政府下了征召令

    There 's not just us . A call went out .

  27. 他们征召志愿者留守战舰站。

    They 've called for volunteers to hold the dock .

  28. 他的儿子被征召去服兵役去了。

    His son has been called up for military service .

  29. 他是在战争刚开始的时候被征召入伍的。

    He was called up right at the beginning of the war .

  30. 也有可能他被征召去打仗了,或者别的什么原因。

    Perhaps he 's been called up to fight , or something .