
  1. 研究对象是线型工程征地补偿安置工作。

    The object of study is a linear project land compensation and resettlement work .

  2. 而征地补偿安置费的分配与土地承包、土地调整紧密联系。

    The relocation payment distribution combines the land contract and land adjustment together . 4 .

  3. 征地补偿安置是当前群众反映最强烈并迫切要求解决的问题。

    Levying land payably is the problem which people reflected strongly and should be soluted urgently .

  4. 现阶段,土地权利量问题集中表现为征地补偿安置费的分配。

    Currently the land right amount of rural collective members focuses on the distribution of relocation payment .

  5. 第四章为分析线型征地补偿安置工作中存在的问题。

    The fourth chapter of the problems for the analysis of linear land compensation and resettlement work .

  6. 最后,提出征地补偿安置模式优化对策和建议。

    Finally , come up with optimization strategies and recommendations of land requisition compensation and resettlement mode .

  7. 第二章为征地补偿安置问题界定与区分,以及研究理论。

    Chapter II for land compensation and resettlement issues to define and distinguish between , and research theory .

  8. 明晰的农村土地产权主体对于构建合理征地补偿安置模式是最关键的。

    It is the most important to clear rural land property rights for establishing appropriate compensation and allocation mode .

  9. 第三章对比分析国内外部分国家、地区征地补偿安置的原则、内容、标准、与方式;

    In the third chapter , the principle , content , criterion and mode of compensation and allocation in internal and external are compared .

  10. 改革的主要任务是:明确集体土地所有权主体、改进征地补偿安置方式、改革集体土地的管理使用制度、加快集体土地市场建设。

    Major targets are : definite main body of collective land , promote arrangement styles of land-levying , reform managing and using policy of collective land and speed collective land market construction .

  11. 近年来,因征地补偿安置费的分配,使集体成员的土地权利量问题瞬间爆发出来,对农村社会的稳定及和谐社会的构建带来了很大的隐患。

    In recent years this problem booms out when the distribution of relocation payment occurs , which brings hidden troubles for the stability of rural society and the construction of harmonious society .

  12. 分析江苏省征地补偿安置工作中存在的问题,指出现行的土地征用制度存在种种弊端,不利于土地资源的合理利用和优化配置。

    The article analyzes the problems of land expropriation compensation and settlement in Jiangsu Province , indicates that the current land expropriation system has many disadvantages and had handicapped the use and allocation of land resource .

  13. 第四十八条征地补偿安置方案确定后,有关地方人民政府应当公告,并听取被征地的农村集体经济组织和农民的意见。

    Article 48 After the plan for land compensation and resettlement fees is finalized , related local people 's governments shall make an announcement and hear the opinions of the rural collective economic organizations and peasants whose land has been requisitioned .

  14. 县域农民征地补偿安置情况调查分析&以河北省高阳县、易县、清苑县为例北宋《太平州芜湖县新学记》碑考

    Analysis on Compensation for Resettlement of Landless Peasants in Counties , Taking Gaoyang County , Yixian County and Qingyuan County as Example A Textual Study on A Northern Song Stele with the Inscription of the New School in Wuhu County , Taiping Zhou

  15. 普遍适用于解决一般面型征地补偿安置问题的途径,例如提高补偿标准、改变补偿形式等等,不能有效的解决线刑工程征地补偿安置中的问题。

    Universally applicable way to solve the general surface land requisition compensation and resettlement , such as raising the standard of compensation , to change the form of compensation , can not effectively resolve the issue of land compensation and resettlement of linear engineering .

  16. 其中,补偿标准并不是造成线型工程征地补偿安置问题的唯一原因,单纯依靠提高补偿标准不能完全解决线型征地补偿安置的矛盾。

    Among them , the standard of compensation is not the only reason caused by the line type project land compensation and resettlement issues , simply by raising the standard of compensation can not completely solve the contradiction of the linear land compensation and resettlement .

  17. 本文认为征地补偿与安置政策应该遵循公平合理原则和社会公正原则,当前我国征地补偿的总体思路和具体方案为:(1)征地补偿区分征用补偿和征收补偿。

    The land expropriation compensation policy should follow the principle of equity and justice .

  18. 征地补偿与安置的政策分析

    The Policy Analysis of Land Expropriation Compensation

  19. 第七章,被征地农民补偿安置的政策措施。

    The seventh chapter is the policy and measure for the compensation and resettlement for land-expropriated farmers .

  20. 在此基础上,本文提出了征地补偿与安置政策改革的方案与建议,并分析了其实施难点。

    Also this paper put forward suggestions and the scheme in land expropriation compensation policy and analyzes the difficulty in practice .

  21. 省铁建办负责项目包括征地拆迁补偿安置政策制定和执行监督责任,并在全省范围内行使总体协调职责。

    The Provincial Railway Construction Office will be responsible for the formulation of land requisition , relocation , and resettlement policies and their supervision , and assume their responsibilities in overall coordination within the provincial range .

  22. 第三,完善征地补偿与劳动力安置制度;

    Improving the compensation for the land expropriation and the labor placement system ;

  23. 三峡移民补偿法律问题探析对水电工程建设征地农村移民补偿安置的思考

    Thoughts on Legal Matters Related to the Three Gorges Resettlement The Discussion on the Compensation and Arrangement during Government Resettlement for Land Requisition in the Medium-and Small-Scale Hydropower Projects

  24. 研究的意义是为政府在此类工程征地中的补偿安置工作提供一种参考因素,为线型工程规划涉及提出新的考虑因素,为促进社会和谐做出一点贡献。

    The significance of the study is to provide a reference for government compensation and resettlement in the land acquisition of such works factors , linear project planning with regard to which the new considerations , to make some contribution to the promotion of social harmony .

  25. 近年来,征地及其相关的补偿安置问题成为土地管理工作中的热点和难点。

    Compensation and settlement of land expropriation has become a hot and difficult question for the land management in recent years .

  26. 研究目的是为了区分线型工程征地与一般区域内面型工程征地,从补偿安置的角度减少征地矛盾。

    The purpose of this study is to distinguish between linear project land acquisition and surface engineering in the general area land acquisition , from the perspective of the compensation and resettlement to reduce land conflicts .

  27. 研究目的:从被征地拆迁的农户视角出发,对征地补偿和拆迁安置进行实证分析。

    A Study on the Resettlement in Land Expropriation and House Removal : From the Perspective of Local Governance ;

  28. 三是健全征地补偿法律救济机制,包括构建统一的征地补偿安置争议仲裁机制及畅通土地征收补偿的司法救济渠道等。

    Three is perfect land compensation legal remedy mechanism , including constructing unified compensation and resettlement fees dispute arbitration mechanism and perfect the land expropriation compensation judicial relief way , etc.

  29. 本文初步得出了线型征地与一般面型征地存在一定的区别,这些区别引发征地补偿安置工作中的一些问题。

    The preliminary draw a linear land acquisition and general surface land acquisition there are some differences , these differences lead to some of the issues of land compensation and resettlement work .

  30. 完善征地补偿机制必须实行制度创新,从改革地方政府征地绩效评估机制入手,解决征地补偿、就业安置、社会保障等方面存在的突出问题。

    In order to perfect the mechanism of compensation for land expropriation , we must set about engaging in system innovation by reforming performance evaluation mechanism and resolving such prominent problems as compensation for land expropriation , arrangements for employment , social security and so on .