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  1. 刘刚坐在那里弹着吉他,王旭则站在一旁深情歌唱。

    Liu sits playing the guitar , and Wang Xu stands singing .

  2. 王旭已经开始学习使用电脑。

    Wang has started learning to use a computer .

  3. 王旭呼吁大众能多多理解农民工。

    Wang appealed to the public to be more understanding of migrant workers .

  4. 王旭和刘刚觉得这首歌就是像他们这样的弱势群体的真实写照。

    Wang and Liu consider the song a true portrait of vulnerable groups like themselves .

  5. 从2001年到2004年,王旭的大周期训练计划共划分为四个阶段。

    From 2001 to 2004 , Wang Xu , a total of the large cycle of training program was divided into four stages .

  6. 王旭还说:希望大家不要瞧不起农民工,虽然也许农民工没怎么受过教育,但是他们都是真诚善良的。

    " Please don ` t look down upon migrant workers , who may be less educated , but are kindhearted ," Wang said .

  7. 王旭和刘刚希望能够继续唱歌,但就目前来看他们要在地下通道献唱是不可能了,因为围观人群会十分之壮观。

    Wang and Liu want to continue singing , but underpasses are now out of the questions as the crowds they draw are too big .

  8. 王旭说:很多朋友认为我们的歌声能够真实表达了农民工以及弱势群体的心声,对此我们感到很高兴,也很自豪。

    " We are happy and proud that so many people think the music video represents heartfelt expression of migrant workers and the underclass ," Wang said .

  9. 研究结果:王旭在2004年取得金牌,这不是偶然的机遇,而是靠系统化科学化训练的结果积累。

    Results : Wang Xu won a gold medal in 2004 ; it was not by chance opportunity , but by the results of a systematic accumulation of scientific training .

  10. 44岁的王旭和29岁的刘刚在上海体育场的舞台与歌曲原唱汪峰一起演绎了《春天里》,场内约有8万名观众见证了这一时刻。

    Wang Xu , 44 , and Liu Gang , 29 , sang " In the Spring " alongside the song ` s star composer Wang Feng , in front of about 80,000 people at the Shanghai Stadium .

  11. 贵州教育部门称摄像头能够帮助提升教师评定系统,但是人民大学副教授王旭称其真正的目的是想监视教师。

    The education authorities in Guizhou said the cameras would help improve the system for appraising professors , but Wang Xu , an associate professor at Renmin University in Beijing , said the real purpose was to monitor them .

  12. 经过这样的大周期训练的划分,王旭在2004年的奥运会上以最好的体力,最佳的技战术打法,最高技术使用率,取得了最佳成绩。

    After such a large cycle of the training division , Wang Xu in the 2004 Olympics in the best physical , the best technical and tactical play , the highest technical usage , to achieved the best results .

  13. 为了赚钱养活妻子和两个儿子,2000年王旭来到北京打工,先后做过锅炉工、街边小贩。现在在一家制药厂仓库当复核员,月薪1500元。

    To support his wife and two sons , Wang came to Beijing in 2000 and has worked as boiler man , and street peddler , before becoming a medical warehouse keeper , with a monthly pay of around 1,500 yuan .