
  • 网络Yang Guozhong;Senovo;Kuo-Chung Yang
  1. 755年,安禄山假借讨伐杨国忠之名叛乱。

    In 755 , An Lushan revolted under the pretense of punishing Yang Guozhong .

  2. 运用这种方式,甚至当宰相杨国忠提出罢免他的职位的时候,安禄山都可以不用遭受指责。

    In this way , he was protected from criticism , even when the Chief Minister , Yang Guozhong , demanded his dismissal .

  3. 然而,杨国忠却作出了愚蠢的军事判断,他命令位于要塞区域的军队在开阔的地方攻击安禄山的军队。

    However , Yang Guozhong , with grossly inept military judgement , ordered the troops in the passes to attack An 's army on open ground .

  4. 在陕西的马嵬坡,玄宗的贴身护卫们要求杀了遭人痛恨的杨国忠和他的侄女杨玉环。

    On the way at Mawei Inn in Shaanxi , Xuanzong 's bodyguard troops demanded the death of the much-hated Yang Guozhong , and his cousin , Lady Yang .