
  1. 总结出杨家埠木版年画中的色彩美感在中华民族传统文化意识形态下的统一性与独特性。

    Uniqueness and unity of the beautiful feeling of the color under the traditional conscious pattern of China nationality are summarized .

  2. 杨家埠木版年画造型夸张,构图饱满,色彩强烈,题材广泛,内容丰富,表现手法丰富多样。

    Yangjiabu woodcut New Year Pictures has exaggerated form , full composition , intense color , broad range of topics , diverse content and varied expression techniques .

  3. 第三章,对杨家埠木版年画的功能进行探究,以罗伯特·莫顿的功能理论为范式,以显性功能和隐性功能作为切入点,分析年画这一民俗事的社会功能。

    The third chapter : It is mainly to explore the functions , which analyse social functions of the folk custom as the breakthrough point from the paradigm of dominant and recessive functions .