
  • 网络media products;MultiMedia Product
  1. 赛事媒体产品初步成型,质量偏低。

    Events media products initial shape , low quality .

  2. 关注行业范围内竞争者的媒体产品和他们的优缺点。

    Being aware of competitive media products , their strengths and their weaknesses .

  3. 市场调查机构Childwise询问了一千多名英国家长关于他们学龄前子女使用新媒体产品的习惯。市场调查机构Childwise采访了一千多名五岁以下儿童的家长。

    More than a thousand parents of under-five-year-olds were interviewed by Childwise .

  4. 随着虚拟现实、协同设计和Web3D技术的发展,越来越多的用户通过互联网发布自己的3D数字媒体产品。

    With the rapid development of virtual reality , cooperative design and Web 3D , more and more companies or copyright owners present their 3D digital media product through Internet .

  5. 论市场信息的不对称特性与媒体产品的深化

    The Asymmetry of Market Information and Deepen of Media Product

  6. 与此同时,数字媒体产品的版权保护成为迫切需要解决的问题。

    But meanwhile , the copyright protection of multimedia information becomes a serious problem .

  7. 我国出版传媒整体上市及资本运营研究泛联图书出版顾问与世界许多出版公司联手策划,设计,出版和印刷各种媒体产品。

    We partner with publishing house around the world to plan , design , publish and print media products .

  8. 如果消费者有权转售他们的电子媒体产品的话,很多媒体公司的盈利空间将不复存在。

    If consumers could legally resell their electronic media , it could wipe out the profits of many media firms .

  9. 随着知识经济和网络时代的到来,数字媒体产品的应用取得了惊人的进步。

    With the economy of knowledge and era of Internet approach , the application of digital media works has made egregious progress .

  10. 当我在报道某款新的(过度社交化)媒体产品,或者一种新的定位广告的方式时,我都沮丧得抬不起头来。

    when I 'm covering some new me-too social-media product or a great new way to target ads , I hang my head in despair .

  11. 本文认为,有偿享用有线电视服务、订阅或者购买报刊、对推销大众媒体产品或服务的要约性广告作出承诺等媒介消费活动,都将使媒介消费者与大众媒体形成一定的合同关系。

    The paper considers the usage of cable TV , the subscription and purchase of newspapers and magazines and the advertisements of media products are media consumptions .

  12. 随着数字信息技术的发展,数字媒体产品的版权保护成为了迫切需要解决的问题。

    With the development of digital information technology , the protection of digital media products ' copyright has become an urgent issue that need to be addressed .

  13. 因为中国互联网广告增长缓慢,该公司便利用游戏从旗下大获成功的即时通讯和社交媒体产品中赚钱。

    Because internet advertising has had slow growth in China , the company has used games to make money from its hugely successful messaging and social media products .

  14. 马云还投资于一些社交媒体产品,例如中国最受欢迎的约会软件陌陌,还有中国最大的社交平台新浪微博。

    He has also invested in social media products like Momo , one of China 's most popular dating apps , and Sina Weibo , the country 's largest social media outlet .

  15. 作为一般媒体产品的博客,具有进行广告开发的可能性,而且从博客的长远健康发展考虑计,博客的广告开发非常有必要。

    As a general media products blog , with the possibility for ad development , and from blog to consider the long-term healthy development of the design , development blog advertising is necessary .

  16. 在电子媒体产品不会像实体媒体产品一样耗损老化的情况下,消费者是否有权租赁、出售他们的音乐文件夹和电子书?而内容出版者又是否应当保有他们的版权呢?

    Should consumers have the right to lend and sell their music files and e-books , even though they do not wear out like their physical counterparts , or should content-producers retain the copyright ?

  17. 当然,这些已经导致了随后而来的同样大规模的对媒体产品产量的需求;尽管在运用这些有效发送系统的技术和商业能力方面,还可以做得更好。

    Of course , this has led to the subsequent creation of an equally-massive need for large-volume media product , if the technical and commercial capacities of such potent delivery systems are to be even moderately exploited .

  18. 作为数字媒体产品知识产权宣告及保护的有效工具,数字水印技术自1993年第一次提出以来已经引起了人们极大的关注。特别是声音信号的数字水印技术已经成为近年来研究的热点之一。

    As a useful tool for the copyright protection and judgment , digital watermarking technique has gained more and more concerns in many ways since it appeared in 1993 . Especially audio digital watermarking technique has been one of the research hotspots in recent years .

  19. 通过扩张媒体产品的广度和开放媒体渠道可以解决市场信息不对称的前提条件,增加消费者的购买频率和消费预算,最终促进市场交易,增加社会零售商品总额,活跃市场。

    A premise to solve the problem of market information asymmetry is to broaden the width of media products and open media channels . It could increase the purchase frequency and budget of consumers , promote market transaction and increase the whole society retail sales .

  20. Twitter正在尝试类似于媒体的产品,比如其“目标网页”就包含了经策划过的内容。

    Twitter is flirting with media-like products , like " destination pages " with curated content .

  21. 不过,问题在于这两家公司都有自己亲手打造的流媒体视频产品,而这些产品和Netflix存在竞争关系。

    The problem , however , is that both Amazon and Apple have competing streaming video products that are established in their own right .

  22. 同时,Red5作为一款以Java语言实现的开源流媒体服务器产品,在流文件的分发处理方面具备了良好的扩展性。为Flash客户端应用给予了良好的支持,提供了良好的用户体验。

    For stream file distribution process , the origins of the media server & Red5as a Java language-implementation , open-source product , with the same scalability based on Flash client applications to give good support , good user experience .

  23. 例如,小公司可以通过社交媒体展开产品营销,省下了昂贵的广告费用。

    For example , by using social media it is possible for small companies to market their products without having to pay expensive advertisers .

  24. 但,他最终改变了现实,并将计算机操作的魔力输送到那些重新塑造音乐,电信和媒体的产品中去了。

    But in the end he conjured up a reality of his own , channelling the magic of computing into products that reshaped entire industries .

  25. 文章还论述了影响网络媒体信息产品市场运作的技术要素和社会性问题。

    And then , the research discusses the technology items which affect the market operating of the Internet media information products , and social problems .

  26. 在与消费者的沟通过程中如何准确运用户外媒体传达产品定位的差异化信息,吸引消费者的注意并与其建立情感沟通渠道是户外广告成功的关键所在。

    Accurately use of outdoor media to convey differentiated product positioning in the process of communication , to attract the attention of consumers and to establish an emotional communication channels is the key to growing up .

  27. 本文针对当前流媒体技术产品及远程教学系统存在的弊端,介绍如何构建了适合于教学和专业特点的远程教学网站,重点关注系统的功能以及相应的关键技术。

    This paper is based on the problem exist in Streaming Media and distance education system present , introduces how to construct the distance education website which is fit for teaching and specialty characteristic , focus on the functions and the key technology corresponding .

  28. 就其影响来说,随着网络媒体艺术产品越来越多的出现在我们的日常生活中,它特有的品质给我们的生活方式、思维方式、价值观念和审美趣味等带来了深远的影响。

    On its impact , with the Internet media art products appear in more and more of our daily life , the quality of its unique to our way of life , way of thinking , values and interests , and other aesthetic has brought far-reaching implications .

  29. 为新媒体娱乐产品开发老年娱乐市场提供一定的借鉴,并推动新媒体技术在老年娱乐市场中的前进步伐,探讨解决我国老年人精神养老问题的途径。

    Provide certain reference for new media entertainment product to develop the entertainment market for age , and promote the new media technology in the entertainment market for age . At last this paper discusses the way how to solve the problem of spiritual consolation for the elderly in China .

  30. 美国苹果电脑公司和Pixar动画公司两家公司的CEO,詹布斯SteveJobs是世界数字媒体和计算机产品方面多媒体设计的先驱,用其产品给人们带来快乐和体验。

    Steve Jobs and CEO of Apple Computer Company , Pixar Animation Studios from America are pioneers of the digital media design and has designed their products for customers to bring them happiness and experience .