
  • 网络Media Promotion
  1. 里程碑式的原创3d卡通巨片《精灵世纪》,加上先进成熟的产业化思想,再加上全面娴熟的媒体推广运作,当然值得广大观众和儿童产品企业的热切期待!

    Creative3d cartoon movies < < eidolon century > > , as a landmark of China cartoon industry , combined advance cartoon industrialization and excellent media promotion activities , will be expected fervidly by vast audience and related enterprise !

  2. 通过对IVR行业内常见的营销手段和操作方法如短信群发、媒体推广等进行分析,对移动IVR行业内相关企业数据收集,利用营销组合分析法对目前IVR行业内存在的问题进行深度的剖析。

    Through the analysis of the common marketing means and operation methods in IVR industry , such as , short message correspondent witnessed and media promotion , this paper collects data of the related enterprises in mobile IVR industry .

  3. 希望通过我们专业的媒体推广将REI的优秀产品真正的传递到户外运动爱好者的手中。

    We look forward to combining our media expertise with REI 's superior product offerings to really reach and engage outdoor enthusiasts .

  4. Anvisa今年5月份还会启动一个政府媒体推广活动,警告人们没有处方服药的危险。

    According to Anvisa , a government media campaign warning about the dangers of using of medications without prescription is scheduled to launch this May .

  5. 他颇为赞许地引用了一些公司的例子,它们奖励那些通过社交媒体推广它们的消费者。

    He approvingly cites companies that reward consumers for promoting them via social media .

  6. 强力而系统的媒体推广。

    Strong and systemic spread through media .

  7. 无品牌时代的媒体推广

    Media Promotion under Non-brand age

  8. 你可以帮朋友安装系统,也可以通过不同的网站和社交媒体推广自己擅长的技术服务。

    You are able to help your friends with programs install and you can market services on different sites and social media .

  9. 在传统的营销方式中企业主需要花费大量的媒体推广费用,而且这样硬性的推销方式往往达不到满意的效果。

    Enterprises tend to employ considerable media promotion expenses in the traditional marketing mode , and such method can hardly arrive at a satisfactory result .

  10. 它要求设计者、开发者、建设者、当地政府顾问、媒体推广、甚至是用户的整合。

    This requires the integration of the designer , developer , builder , local government advisor , media promoter , and in some instances the user .

  11. 媒体推广与品牌建设&第二届中美21世纪医学论坛媒体推广案例分析

    Promotion by media and building of well - known brand - Case study of 2nd Sine - USA Tribune on Medical Schools Promotion by media in 21st Century

  12. 所以继续下去,比如说写一本书并且出版,建立一个网站或者在社交媒体上来推广这本书,在Amazon上去卖。

    So go on , write a book , for example , publish it , create a website and social media marketing for it , and sell it on Amazon .

  13. 这位歌手周六在社交媒体上推广她的FentyBeauty美妆产品,但她选的歌让人大跌眼镜。

    The singer took to social media on Saturday to promote her Fenty Beauty products , but it was her song choice that raised eyebrows .

  14. 全球营销顾问机构effectivebrands的马克代斯恩阿龙斯(marcdeswaanarons)表示,这意味着企业需要学习如何更多地在社交媒体上推广品牌形象,而不是像过去那样仅仅依靠电视、纸媒和在线广告。

    That means companies need to learn how to project their brand image , not just on television , in print and online , as in the old days , but increasingly on social media , according to mark de swaan arons of effective brands , the global marketing consultancy .

  15. 黄悄然和乔希•哈珀(JoshHupper)的时尚街头潮牌Babyghost也曾连续两季在纽约时装周亮相,他俩一半时间住在曼哈顿,一半时间住在上海,同样也使用社交媒体来推广自己的品牌。

    Similarly , Qiaoran Huang and Josh Hupper , whose hip street wear label , Babyghost , has been shown at New York Fashion Week for the last two seasons ( they split their time between Manhattan and Shanghai ) , are using social media as a conduit for their brand .

  16. 值得注意的是,这发生在每一个主要媒体渠道推广该理论作为环保法律。

    Notably , this has occurred while every major media outlet has promoted the theory as environmental law .

  17. 我们是你在亚太地区的互动媒体营销推广的主要合作伙伴。

    We are your partner for premier interactive media sales and advertising solutions in the Asia Pacific region .

  18. 但是不是所有的国家都平等地参与了这些行动,因此需要发表或记录有前景的结果,发现良好的实践并通过媒体加以推广。

    But not all countries participate equally in these operations , so promising results need to be published or documented , with good practices identified and promoted through the media .

  19. 近几年随着计算机的普及,课堂教学中以多媒体计算机系统为代表的现代教育媒体的推广和运用对传统教育媒体提出了挑战。

    With computer becoming widely used , the applications of modern teaching approaches in classroom , which are symbolized by CAI , have made a great challenge to the traditional teaching approaches .

  20. 其次广开渠道,运用互联网的微内容力量为其造势,通过跨媒体宣传推广新媒体剧,达到新媒体剧在新旧媒体之间的互动融合。

    Secondly , open up more channels , using the power of the Internet micro-content campaign and cross-media promotion through advertising play of new media , result in the interaction between old and new media convergence .

  21. 在Internet上高效传输流媒体数据是推广诸如视频点播等应用的基础。

    It is the basis for video applications such as Video On Demand to deliver the streaming media over Internet efficiently .

  22. 过去六个月,苹果的高管频频现身于媒体活动,推广新的零售店、AppleWatch和Applepay(一种崭新的移动支付服务)。

    Over the last six months , Apple executives have been on an extensive media campaign to promote new retail stores , the Apple Watch and Apple Pay , a new mobile payment service .

  23. 如今,赞助活动往往包括社交媒体上的推广。

    Sponsorship now typically involves social media promotion .

  24. 爱空格国主义教育通过电视电影和新闻媒体向学校推广。

    That patriotic education extended beyond schools to include television , film and the news media .

  25. 他说社交媒体将在推广这些特殊电影上发挥重要作用。

    He says social media is going to play a big role in helping reach potential audience members for these special films .

  26. 因此,须通过高校教育、媒体、社团推广等方式,大力宣传企业公民意识,以推进和谐社会大环境的建设。

    So , to go through college education , media , community promotion , and energetically promote corporate citizenship in order to promote the construction of the environment of Harmonious Society .

  27. 漂流旅游要提升自己的文化内涵,结合当地的历史文化,通过电视网络报纸等媒体进行宣传推广,使本地的特色能够为更多的人所熟知。

    Drifting Tourism to improve their own cultural connotation , combined with the local history and culture through television networks , newspapers and other media for publicity and promotion , so that the local characteristic to more people know .

  28. 行贿嫌疑人包括体育媒体和体育推广公司的代表,他们涉嫌参与了向足球官员国际足联的代表以及国际足联下属机构的其他官员行贿总额逾1亿美元的计划。

    The bribery suspects representatives of sports media and sports promotion firms are alleged to have been involved in schemes to make payments to the soccer functionaries delegates of Fifa and other functionaries of Fifa sub-organisations totalling more than $ 100m .

  29. 第三、政府的重视程度和扶持力度、经济水平的发展、文化的继承和发扬、媒体的宣传推广、理论研究的深度和科学性等都是能够影响铜梁舞龙运动发展的重要因素。

    Third , emphasis and support of the government , the level of economic development , culture , inherit and carry forward , media propaganda promotion , and depth of the study on the theory of science are the important factors that can affect TongLiang dragon dance movement .

  30. 媒体对农业科技推广的影响

    Influences of Mass Media on Extension of Agricultural Technology