
  • 网络strategy;Media Strategy
  1. 社会主义荣辱观的学理意义与媒体策略

    Socialist Viewpoint of Honor or Disgrace : Academic Significance and Media Strategy

  2. 本研究试图从大众传播学、组织传播学的角度,进行高校危机传播管理研究,建构应对高校危机的媒体策略。

    The research tries to use mass communication , organizational communication approach to study crisis communication management in colleges , and construct media strategy of college crisis .

  3. Google:究竟哪家公司的社会化媒体策略是合理的呢?在社会化领域,这两家公司的剑指何方?

    What are the goals of both companies in the social realm ?

  4. 模型以会议策略、用户策略和媒体策略三大策略来完全描述会议的状态,以SIP为手段,策略操作为核心实现会议控制系统的功能。

    The model describes a real conference in three kind of policies : conference policy , user policy and media policy .

  5. NGO媒体策略与空间拓展&以绿色和平建构金光集团云南毁林议题为个案

    NGOs Media Strategies and Expansion of Autonomy : A Case Study of Greenpeace 's Media Campaign against Deforestation in China

  6. 康斯登表示,从华尔街和伦敦金融城废墟上兴起的新型专门化金融机构(financialboutique),从一开始就更加懂得制定一套媒体策略的需要。

    The new financial boutiques rising from the wreckage of Wall Street and the city of London are more conscious of the need for a press strategy from the outset , constant says .

  7. 在多伦多罗特曼商学院(rotman)负责全日制mba项目的凯文福雷(kevinfrey)表示,社交媒体策略师在各个行业也很受欢迎。

    Social media strategists are also in demand across all sectors , says Kevin Frey , who runs the full-time MBA at Rotman in Toronto .

  8. 但你们在社会化媒体策略上的“不要做的事情”单子上的事情应该比上面的建议更多。

    But your list of social-media strategy " don'ts " should go way beyond that .

  9. 技术垄断批判:大众传媒与消费伦理关系研究金六福媒体策略投放回顾&对突破传播总经理叶保伦先生的专访

    Criticizing the Technological Monoply : On the Relationship between Mass Media and Consuming Ethics Retrospect In Jinliufu Media Strategy

  10. 本课程相信,各种产品与服务在不同的条件限制下,将会导致不同的广告策略与媒体策略。

    We consider the limits of service and products , which leads to different strategy of advertisement and media plan .

  11. 它可以实行媒体策略&最好针对那些有兴趣报道下月德里新闻发布会的媒体。

    And it could use a broadcasting strategy & ideally before all the broadcasters interested in covering the event meet in Delhi next month .

  12. 因此,本论文试图将传播学理论引入危机管理研究中,把着眼点放在媒体策略上,希望通过对相关策略的探讨,能为这种非理性、非程序的做法提供一些程序化的方案。

    So , in this thesis , I try to introduce the method of Journalism and Communication into the crisis management , focus on the strategy of public relation .

  13. 德席尔瓦今年34岁,自称社交媒体策略师,她和女儿一样上镜,所以也发布关于母女时光(#mommydaughtermoments)和斯科特妈妈风尚(#ScoutMomstyle)的照片。

    And because London 's mother , 34 and a self-described social-media strategist , is as photogenic as her daughter , there are also the hashtags \# mommydaughtermoments and \# ScoutMomstyle .

  14. 媒体策略模型可以帮助房地产企业选择适合自身需求的媒体或媒体组合,以便更有效率的投放广告,从而吸引到更多符合项目需求的客户。

    Media strategy model can help real estate enterprises to choose the suitable media or media mix , so they can advertise efficiently to attract more customers in order to fulfill the needs of the project .

  15. 通过以上多角度的对运动缘起、进程、特征、战斗策略和媒体策略的描述和分析,无疑引发我们对这场运动的性质的思考。

    It naturally provokes us to think of this movement after describing and analyzing the the origin of the movement , the process , the characteristics , the militant strategy and media strategy from various perspective as mentioned above .

  16. IP网络中实时连续媒体传输策略

    Transmission Scheme of Real-Time Continuous Media on IP Network

  17. 基于缓存偏移量的P2P流媒体调度策略

    Scheduling Strategy Based on Cache Offset for P2P Streaming Media

  18. 顾客价值创造中企业公众媒体使用策略的研究

    Application Strategy of Enterprise Public Media in Customer Value Creation

  19. 县级大众健康传播与媒体运用策略分析

    Investigation on Strategies of Applying Media in Mass Health Spreading

  20. 基于自动交换光网的流媒体调度策略研究

    Scheduling Strategy of Streaming Media on Automatically Switched Optical Networks

  21. 对媒介融合时代媒体运营策略的几点思考

    On the Strategies of Media Operation in the Era of Media Convergence

  22. 注意力经济时代媒体的策略选择

    Strategies for the Media in an Era of Attention Economy

  23. 十堰旅游产业发展的媒体宣传策略研究

    On Media Propaganda Strategies of Shiyan Tourism Industry Development

  24. 远程教育中自适应复合流媒体传输策略

    Strategy of Adaptive Rate Composite Streaming Transport in E-Learning

  25. 社会成分是整体社会媒体整合策略的一部分。

    The social element is but one part of an overall integrated strategy .

  26. 基于经济模型的分布式流媒体缓存策略

    Distributed Streaming Media Caching Strategy Based on Economy Model

  27. 基于信息时代的新媒体营销策略研究

    Researching on New Media Marketing Tactic in Information Era

  28. 基于带宽管理的实时流媒体传输策略

    Bandwidth Management Based Transmission Strategy for Real-time Streaming Media

  29. 媒体竞争策略探析

    The Strategies Analysis of the Advantages of the Medium

  30. 灾难性新闻事件中媒体传播策略研究

    The Study of Media Strategies in Disaster News Events