
  • 网络Media Made
  1. 你们的媒体制造了许多负面的态度,通过把报道精力集中在人们之间的冲突与对抗中。

    Your media promotes many negative attitudes through its concentration on conflicts and confrontation between people .

  2. 对媒体制造大众文化的批判

    Comments on media-made mass culture

  3. 孙云晓认为,选秀这一“商业社会和媒体制造出来的怪胎”是缔造“伪娘”的一大重要根源。

    Sun Yunxiao wrote that the draft of the " business community and the media created the monster ," is to create " pseudo-mother ," one of the important causes .

  4. 驻纽约的职业咨询师约斯科特·图尔科说,穿牛仔裤在媒体、制造业和创新行业中通常没大不了的,但在金融服务和律师事务所中就。

    New York-based career adviser Jonscott Turco says jeans are generally a " no-brainer " in the media , manufacturing and creative industries , but not in financial services and law firms .

  5. 日前,美国“恶作剧博物馆”网站根据恶作剧的知名度、荒诞性及被愚弄的人数,评选出了媒体所制造的愚人节“十大经典恶作剧”。

    Here are several of the top ten April Fool 's Day pranks ever pulled off , as judged by the US website of Museum of Hoaxes for their notoriety , absurdity , and number of people duped .

  6. 但中国官员也指责一些外国媒体夸大中国制造的商品存在的问题。

    But Chinese officials have accused some foreign media of overstating problems with goods made in China .

  7. 有人新闻媒体人为地制造个股的传闻,为的是股价上涨。

    Things like people using the media to create artificial buzz about a stock so as to drive up its price .

  8. 斯卡约拉和其他忠诚的部长们指责,中间偏左的反对党及其在媒体的支持者制造丑闻,因为他们拿不出任何政治论点。

    Mr Scajola and other loyal ministers accuse the centre-left opposition and their supporters in the media of creating scandals because they lack any political arguments .

  9. 从种植意大利面的电视新闻到左撇子汉堡的广告,媒体在愚人节制造的各种稀奇古怪的恶搞新闻也有一段“光辉”历史了。

    From television revealing that spaghetti grows on trees to advertisements for the left-handed burger , the tradition of April Fool 's Day stories in the media has a weird and wonderful history .

  10. 然而,从树上长出了意大利面的电视新闻到左撇子汉堡的广告,媒体在愚人节制造的各种稀奇古怪的恶搞新闻也有一段“光辉”历史了。

    However , from television revealing that spaghetti grows on trees to advertisement for left-handed burgers , the tradition of April Fool 's Day stories in the media has a weird and wonderful history .

  11. 她尽可能地忽视明星身份带来的那些东西,也建议年轻的女演员们不要玩社交媒体,因为社交媒体“制造了一种自我意识文化”。

    She ignores the trappings of celebrity as best she can , and advises younger actresses not to go on social media , which " creates a culture of self-consciousness . " She is drawn to figures who