
ɡuǎnɡ ɡào kè hù
  • advertiser
  1. Facebook的广告系统的广告服务社会相结合的社会行动,从您的朋友-例如购买一个产品或审查餐厅-与广告客户的信息。

    Facebook'sad system serves Social Ads that combine social actions from yourfriends – such as a purchase of a product or review of a restaurant – with an advertiser 's message .

  2. 广告客户不可要求将广告费减扣。

    The advertiser may not demand the newspaper to reduce the rates .

  3. 上周四,全美广告主联盟(TheAssociationofNationalAdvertisers)和美国广告代理商协会(AmericanAssociationofAdvertisingAgencies)发布了“最佳操守声明”,呼吁广告客户不要在盗版网站上发布广告。

    Some ad-industry groups are warning against placing advertisements on pirate sites .

  4. 谷歌(Google)在华业务昨日显示出崩溃的迹象,搜索问题动摇了广告客户和用户的信心。

    Google 's business in China showed signs of unravelling yesterday as search problems shook the confidence of both advertisers and users .

  5. 尽管如此,广告客户必须避开障碍,比如iPad上缺少奥多比系统公司(AdobeSystems)的Flash视频技术。

    Still , advertisers have to navigate obstacles such as the absence on the iPad of Adobe Systems ' Flash video technology .

  6. 约翰・詹姆斯(JohnJames)就是一位使用谷歌新广告并感到满意的广告客户。他是AcumenBrands的首席执行长,该公司旗下拥有零售商CountryOutfitter.com。

    One happy advertiser using Google 's new ads is John James , chief executive of Acumen Brands , which owns retailer CountryOutfitter.com .

  7. MarinSoftwareInc.说,其广告客户在今年黑色星期五的广告支出较去年增加了一倍以上。

    Marin Software Inc. says that its advertising clients more than doubled spending on Black Friday product ads , compared with last year .

  8. 它通过以下两种方式来获取收入:向其他公司提供搜索技术;向广告客户提供在Google或网络的其他网站上刊登广告的服务。

    The revenue the company generates is derived from offering its search technology to companies and from the sale of advertising displayed on Google and on other sites across the web .

  9. 两者都落后谷歌(google)一段距离,因此合并其搜索业务将提高搜索结果的质量,增加对广告客户的吸引力,并使重中之重的盈利水平有所提升。

    Both trail Google by some distance , so combining their search operations would both improve the quality of search results , the appeal to advertisers , and most important , profitability .

  10. 它再也无法重现1999年的光辉岁月,要阻止谷歌和Facebook从大型广告客户手中抢走大量生意,难如登天。

    It will never return to its glory days of 1999 , it will be hard enough to keep Google and Facebook from stealing ad dollars from big advertisers .

  11. 搜狐CEO张朝阳表示,除了老观众外,他还希望《周六夜现场》能吸引备受广告客户垂青的高中生和大学生群体。

    Sohu CEO Charles Zhang said he hoped SNL would attract not just the audience they already had , but also more high school and University viewers that advertisers clamor for .

  12. 然而,verizon这样的大广告客户不能忽视那些机会主义分子即所谓的网域霸占者,他们在网上注册其商标名称的变体。

    Yet big advertisers like Verizon cannot afford to ignore the opportunists so-called cybersquatters who register variations of its trademark name online .

  13. 年度调查委员注意到:国内广告客户协会(ANA)建立的“营销责任制”名列榜首。

    In its annual survey of members'concerns , the Association of National Advertisers ( ANA ) found that " marketing accountability " topped the list .

  14. 一些广告公司高管说,不必担心Facebook美国用户增长率的放缓,只要该公司能想办法给广告客户提供更多接触用户的机会就行。

    Some advertising-agency executives said that Facebook 's slowing U.S. user growth rate isn 't a concern as long as the company can figure out how to give marketers more opportunities to reach users .

  15. 美国超过80%的主要广告客户正利用Facebook进行推销,表明美国企业界正开始接受社交网站作为一种主流广告平台。

    More than 80 per cent of the biggest US advertisers are now using Facebook to promote themselves , suggesting that corporate America is starting to embrace the social networking site as a mainstream advertising platform .

  16. 视频已经成为越来越受Facebook用户和广告客户欢迎的内容。在周三开始的Facebook开发者大会上,公司有望推出把视频广告加到非Facebook应用中的扩展工具。

    Video has become increasingly popular with Facebook users and advertisers , and at its developer conference that begins on Wednesday , the company is expected to introduce expanded tools to place video ads inside non-Facebook applications .

  17. 有些广告客户也许会拥有基于信贷条件基础上的帐单选择及月发票开具形式。通常这些客户须与google广告词项目建立至少三个月的良好的信用历史记录。

    Some advertisers may have the option for billing based on credit terms and monthly invoicing . typically , these advertisers will have an established credit history of at least three months with the Google AdWords program and be in good standing .

  18. 胜三公司负责人格雷格•保罗(GregPaull)说,上两周发生的事件重创了广告客户。

    ' The events of the last two weeks have hit marketers hard , 'said R3 principal Greg Paull .

  19. 但读者和广告客户从老式媒体向新式媒体的转移,却是一个零和游戏:当报纸和传统广播电台走下坡路时,博客(blogs)和播客(podcasts)获得了增长。

    But the move of readers and advertisers from old media to new is a zero sum game : as newspapers and traditional radio stations decline , blogs and podcasts gain .

  20. Skype创始人即将推出一项全球宽带电视服务,承诺为电视观众、节目内容拥有者和广告客户带来拥有最优秀电视节目的最佳互联网。

    The founders of Skype are close to launching a global broadband television service promising viewers , content owners and advertisers the best of the internet with the best of TV .

  21. 一旦完成该系统的建设,更紧密地连接内容管理和广告技术会使广告客户更迅速和准确地理解怎样最大程度地利用AOL。

    Once this is achieved , linking content management and advertising technology more closely will give advertisers a quicker and more precise understanding of how best to use AOL .

  22. 然而Facebook也承认,移动用户的增长并没有带动广告收入的增长,因为公司从移动广告中几乎赚不到钱。上周,Facebook向广告客户推出了购买移动广告的新方式。

    Facebook acknowledged , however , that its mobile growth hasn 't led to an increase in ad revenue because it earns almost no money from mobile ads. Last week , the company introduced new ways for advertisers to buy mobile ads.

  23. 另外,Facebook在广告客户那里遇到了麻烦,因为Facebook承认,在衡量用户观看视频广告和阅读文章的时间上出了错误。Facebook掌握着零售商和航空公司只能梦想一番的海量用户生成信息。

    Separately , Facebook - whose access to vast user-created troves of information retailers and airlines can only dream about - has got into trouble with its advertising customers after admitting mistakes measuring the time users spend viewing video advertisements and articles .

  24. 在去年10月召开的上一次财报会议上,百度警告称,由于一些广告客户不愿使用新平台凤巢广告系统(PhoenixNest),第四季度收入将下降至多7%。

    At its last earnings conference in October , Baidu warned that its fourth - quarter revenues would drop by up to 7 per cent due to the reluctance of some advertising customers to use Phoenix Nest , its new platform .

  25. 广告客户争夺的是美国电子商务市场的霸主地位。comScore预计,美国电子商务市场的规模今年将增长14%,至约2100亿美元。

    At stake is supremacy in the U.S. e-commerce market , which comScore expects to grow 14 % to around $ 210 billion this year .

  26. 很多出版商和广告客户还不适应Flipboard的广告格式,尽管这家公司目前还没有设立多少标准。

    And the ads are in a format that many publishers and advertisers are not yet used to dealing with & there are few standards yet .

  27. 事实上,comScore的数据表明Facebook在美国已经几乎没有继续增长的空间,而美国市场对于广告客户和程序开发者来说是最重要和最有利可图的市场,广告客户和程序开发商又是Facebook的两个主要收入来源。

    Indeed , comScore 's numbers illustrate how little room there is left for Facebook to grow in the U.S. , which is the most important and lucrative market for the social network 's two revenue-paying constituencies : advertisers and developers .

  28. 2004年,百度允许广告客户付款使得相关搜索结果排名靠前,这一招是模仿美国加州帕萨迪娜市名为Overture的公司。

    By2004 , Baidu was allowing advertisers to pay to appear at the top of related search results , mimicking a model pioneered by a Pasadena ( Calif. ) company called Overture .

  29. 相对于视频点播(VOD),AOD主要采用广告客户买单的资费方式,使用灵活多样的接入终端,贴近了企业、商家及用户的需求,更适于在通信网络上应用。

    AOD is more applicable to communication networks than Video On Demand ( VOD ) because it lets advertising clients pay the bills , uses diversified access terminals , and is prone to meeting demands of enterprises , businesses and customers .

  30. •广告网络可以以1.79美元的价格填补这些广告位,还有一些搞笑、实用或者漂亮的Tumblr博客可以以10倍的价格直接卖给广告客户。

    • ad networks can fill display units at $ 1.79 and there are some hilarious , useful and beautiful tumblrs for which direct sold brand advertisers will pay 10x the remnant rate .