
  • 网络Trading unit;Trade Unit;contract size
  1. 本系统每次成交以一交易单位逐一进行成交。

    The system will execute each trade one trading unit at a time .

  2. 期货交易须以交易单位的整数倍进行。

    Futures trading shall be carried out in integral multiple of the trading unit .

  3. 但是,正如给一部电影贴上限制级(R)标签,会增加它对那些被排除者的诱惑力一样,设置高额的最低交易单位数量,可能会鼓励投资者举债买上一手。

    But in the same way that slapping an R rating on a film increases its allure to those excluded , setting a big minimum board lot may encourage investors to lever up to buy one .

  4. 用来表述商品期货或期权交易单位的词语;

    A term of reference describing a unit of trading for a commodity future or option ;

  5. 证券回购交易单位是指证券交易所对回购交易双方参与回购交易委托买卖的数量规定。

    There are two main doctrines on the legal character of securities counter-purchase : doctrine of collateral loan and doctrine of conditional sale .

  6. 第四是加强香港金融体系处理以人民币为交易单位的交易的能力,以配合未来人民币作为国际货币的角色逐渐增强。

    The fourth element is to strengthen Hong Kongs ability to handle financial transactions denominated in the renminbi in anticipation of the rising role of the renminbi as an international currency .

  7. 最小认购金额为100万港元,而且股票交易单位将是每手20万股。这些对一级和二级市场的限制措施旨在保护脆弱的未成年人(即中小投资者:译者注)。

    Restrictions in both the primary and secondary markets are designed to protect vulnerable minors . The minimum subscription will be HK $ 1m and the stock will trade in lots of 200,000 shares .

  8. 强迫交易罪单位犯罪的界定以及强迫交易罪既遂与未遂的界定等。

    In the end , the determination of legal persons committing the crime of forced transaction and accomplishment , unaccomplishment of such a crime are also discussed .

  9. 交易的最小单位是一百股,也叫一手。

    The least unit of trading is 100 shares , also known as a round lot .

  10. 证券营业部作为代理证券交易的基本单位,对证券市场的发展起到了非常巨大的作用。

    As a basic unit of agency stock business , stock exchange plays an important function to the development of stock market .

  11. 国际债券透过本系统交易者,应以其发行币别为之,其交易及申报单位如下。

    Where international bonds are traded through the IBTS , they shall be traded in the currency of their denomination , and trading and quotation units are as follows .

  12. 只有当企业作出的决策使得内部交易价格、单位生产成本和市场价格三者相等或一致时,才有可能使企业整体利润最大化,又使企业内各部门利益合理化。

    Only when the decision-making brings about equality or consistency among inner transfer price , unit cost and market price can there be the possibility to maximize the profit and guarantee the rationalization of benefits divided among the divisions .

  13. 所以在以一周内交易日为单位的短期,零投资策略在持有期内发生显著的反向效应,收益率变为负值,存在统计显著的反向利润。

    Therefore , in order for the unit of trading days within a week of short-term , zero-investment strategy of holding a significant place during the reverse effect , rate of return becomes negative , there is a statistically significant contrarian profits .

  14. 在大部分情况下,实物交易都设有最低单位数目限制。

    In most cases , there is a minimum size for in-kind transactions .

  15. 选择权合约交易的数量与单位履约价格的乘积;

    The strike price of an option times the number of underlying securities in the contract .

  16. 以交易次数为模拟单位,具体模拟了100次在线交易过程中感知信用风险率的变化趋势。

    Get the trend of Perceived trust risk rate in 100 transactions with transaction for the simulation unit .

  17. 同一笔交易一个会计单位可以被登记为销售;在另一个会计单位则被登记为购买。

    For example , the same transaction may be recorded as a sale by one accounting entity and as a purchase by another .

  18. 根据政治经济分析框架的观点,本文将农产品交易关系作为分析单位,进而将农产品流通渠道的研究领域分成了经济与社会行为两大维度。

    According to analytical framework of political economies , this paper regards transaction relationships of agricultural products as analytical unit , and then divides the field of distribution of agricultural products into economics dimension and social dimension .

  19. 从明年3月起至2011年9月,它们将转换为普通股,而根据交易条款,这些单位将以不低于每股31.83美元的价格进行转换。

    They convert into common shares , beginning in March next year through to September 2011 , and under the terms of the deal the units will be converted at a price of not less than $ 31.83 per share .

  20. 交易金额为一个交易单位或其倍数。

    The trading amount must be a set or its multiple .

  21. 解释指的是什么交易。为什么交易的重要单位的运作,在数据库管理系统?

    Bull and bear operations Explain what is meant by a transaction . Why are transactions important units of operation in a DBMS ?

  22. 第二个方向是增加考虑因素,诸如交易费用、资金限制、最小交易单位限制,风险测度和国际组合证券的汇率风险,使Markowitz模型更贴近我国的实际;

    The second one is to add thinking factors about , such as transaction fee , fund limitation , lowest transaction unit 's limitation , risk measures and exchange rate risk of international portfolio securities , so as to make Markowitz model closer to our country 's practice .

  23. 期货市场交易的就是期货合约,最小的交易单位是一份合约。

    Futures markets trade futures contracts , and the smallest unit that can be traded is one contract .

  24. 为了保证铁路、银行交易事务的完整性,系统以单张车票作为交易处理的基本单位,多张车票要依次处理,同时采用了先扣除票款,后打印车票的处理方式。

    Considering of ensuring the transaction integrity of railway system and bank system , the system takes a single ticket as the basic unit of transaction processing , if there are many tickets , they should be processed one by one .