
  • 网络Medium of Exchange;media of exchange;Medium of Value
  1. 因为一般人都把金钱当作交易媒介,这就不必再进行物物交换了,即不必再以一种商品去交换另一种商品了。

    As a generally accepted medium of exchange , money rules out the need for barter , the direct exchange of one item for another .

  2. 但它们不是交易媒介,因为许多人由于不熟悉或怀疑上面的签名,而不愿意接受它们。

    But they are not a medium of exchange because many people , unfamiliar with or suspicious of , the signature are reluctant to accept them .

  3. 货币替代是开放经济中所特有的一种货币性扰动,表现为货币自由兑换前提下外币在价值尺度、支付手段、交易媒介和价值储藏等方面全面或部分地取代了本币。

    Typical of monetary fluctuation of an open economy is the Currency Substitution .

  4. 使用旅游交易媒介,无论是现实中的还是互联网上的。

    Use travel consolidators , on - and offline .

  5. 1.使用旅游交易媒介

    Step 1 Use travel consolidators

  6. 无论如何,货币作为交易媒介,是绝大多数人每日都会碰到的东西。

    In any case , money as a medium of transaction is something that the great majority of the community come across almost everyday .

  7. 在过去一年里,中国暗中挖美元的墙角,对其作为价值贮存和交易媒介的角色提出质疑。

    Over the last year the Chinese have undermined the dollar by the back-door , questioning it as a store of value and medium-of-exchange .

  8. 与国内范畴的货币职能相同,国际化货币在国际范围内执行计价单位、交易媒介以及价值储藏三大职能。

    Similar to the domestic functions of currency , international currency serves as unit of value , exchange media and value reserve at the global level .

  9. 金钱既然是实际上的交易媒介,它是完全可以流通的。也就是说金钱可以立即转换成任何商品或任何劳务而不会有任何不便之处,不须付出任何代价。

    Money as the actual medium of exchange is completely liquid , meaning it can immediately be converted to goods and services without any inconvenience or cost .

  10. 在这样一个环境下,我预计,在作为一种全球储备货币和全球交易媒介方面,欧元的地位将越来越重要。

    In such an environment I would expect the euro to become increasingly important as a global reserve currency and as a medium of exchange in global transactions .

  11. 黄金作为商品价值尺度、交易媒介和社会财富的代表被人类使用了上千年。

    As a measure of value of commodity , medium of exchange , and representative of social wealth , gold has been used by humans for thousands of years .

  12. 钱的四种主要的功能和作用就是:交易媒介、价值标准、赊账标准、价值储备。

    The four major functions of money are as a medium of exchange , a standard of value , a standard of deferred payment , and a store of value .

  13. 经济学家认为,货币有4种功能:交易媒介、延期支付标准、价值尺度、以及价值储藏手段。

    Economists maintain there are four functions of money : a medium of exchange , a standard of deferred payment , a unit of account and a store of value .

  14. 可是其他资产若作为价值储存起来,要想转换就必须首先把它卖掉,这才能使之转换成一般人都能接受的交易媒介,而在变卖其他资产时,还经常要支出一些附加费用,这很不方便。

    Other assets that serve as stores of value must first be sold to be converted into a generally accepted medium of exchange . There are often costs and inconvenience associated with liquidating other assets .

  15. 这两个亚洲经济体表示,它们希望为各自的企业减少成本和风险&这是降低对美元依赖的一种含蓄呼吁。目前美元是中日两国之间的主要交易媒介。

    The two Asian economies said that they wanted to reduce costs and risks for their companies – an implicit call for less reliance on the dollar , which is at present their predominant medium of exchange .

  16. 抵押权的价值权性质决定了抵押权不仅具有保全债权的基本功能,还具有投资融资,充当现代金融交易媒介手段的功能。

    The value of hypothec determines its function which can be exerted not only in protecting creditor 's right but also in investment and financing , as well as its role as a media of modern financial exchange .

  17. 我们的陶器和金属制品很可能是在地球的另一边制造的,而不是几英里之外。我们的主要交易媒介是电子货币,有时还建立在虚无缥缈的基础之上。

    Our pottery and metal goods are likely to have been made , not many miles away , but on the other side of the globe , while our main medium of exchange is electronic , and sometimes based on smoke and mirrors .

  18. 狭义的货币替代(即货币交易媒介职能的替代)对于中国来说,也许是挺遥远的一件事情,因为中国目前实行的管制政策能较好地防范大规模的货币替代的出现。

    Currency substitution in narrow sense ( currency substitution for media of exchange ) may be none of business to China at present , because the Capital Account is still under control in China , which can keep away large-scale currency substitution from China perfectly .

  19. 随着经济的全球化和跨国合作的发展,英语越来越成为国际贸易交易的媒介。

    With the globalization practical business English has been increasingly accepted as a media for international business transaction .

  20. 一般而言,企业现金是最具流动性的资产,是交易的媒介与支付的工具。

    Generally speaking , the business enterprise cash is most the circulating property , and it is the medium of the bargain and payment tool .

  21. 双边市场理论是近几年的一个研究热点,双边市场中的平台厂商作为一种促成交易的媒介,同时向买方和卖方收取费用。

    Two-sided market theory is a hot research topic in recent years . As a media , two-sided market platforms charge buyers and sellers to promote trade .

  22. 体育中介市场是指体育组织或个体为实现体育产品或服务的交易充当媒介而形成的中介活动领域和产生的各种代理关系的总和。

    Sports agency market is that various Intermediation fields and the sum of agent relations formed from sports intermediary organization or individual as media in order to transact sports products or services .

  23. 盐曾经被用作贸易交易的媒介物,也曾被作为工资或部分工资代用品,当今世界某些地方仍是如此;

    Salt has been used as a medium for barter and trade and as wages or part wages from time immemorial and today in some parts of the world is still used .

  24. 随着全球经济和贸易的飞速发展,会计信息作为国际商业通用语言,已成为交易的重要媒介和决策的重要依据。

    With rapid economy and trade development around the world , the accounting message is becoming the important universal commercial language .

  25. 财务信息作为国际上通用的商业语言,在世界经济一体化过程中自然扮演着越来越重要的角色,已经成为各市场主体达成市场交易的重要媒介。

    Financial information which has been seen as a common international business language , plays an increasingly important role in the process of global economic integration , which has become an important medium for the main body of the market reached a market transactions .

  26. 作为信息技术在贸易领域的积极应用,电子商务无论是作为一种交易方式还是传播媒介,都在广度与深度上取得了前所未有的进展,渗透到了社会的各个方面。

    Due to the positive application of information technology in the international trade area , E-commerce has made unprecedented progress whether in the way of transactions or in transportation media , penetrating every area of society .

  27. 从技术层面上讲,电子商务是民商事交易的一种媒介形式,即以电子信息形式代替了传统的书面形式,但这一交易形式的变化却对传统民商事法律制度产生了深远的影响。

    Technically speaking , Electronic Commerce is a type of media in the civil and commercial transaction , replacing the traditional formation of writing by using electronic information , which brings great impact on the traditional civil and commercial system .

  28. 衍生金融工具是一种交易手段或交易媒介,是在传统的金融产品如货币、股票、债券等基本金融工具的基础上派生而来的金融工具。

    Derivative financial instruments is one transaction method or the medium of exchange , is financial tool which in the traditional financial product like currency , the stock , the bond and so on as the basic financial tool foundation comes .

  29. 国债期货合约是国债期货交易的载体和媒介,它对国债期货交易做了最基本的原则规定,使该交易按合约规定的条款有序进行。

    It includes contract design policy , price setting policy and other regulations . Treasury future contract is the carrying body and medium for treasury future transactions . It provides the basic regulation and definitions for treasury future trading , making the trading an ordered process according to contract terms .

  30. 对于微观结构的内生性,模型给出了如下结论:交易意愿较高的个体倾向于通过套利中间人进行交易,而意愿相对较低的则会选择纯粹中介作为交易媒介;

    For the endogeneity of the market microstructure our model have such conclusions : the agents whose tendency of trading is relatively higher tend to trade by dealer , but the agents with relatively lower trading tendency by pure intermediary ;