首页 / 词典 / good

  • exemplary; virtuous
  • 美好(多指德行,指有关女子的):嘉言~行。~范。~德。~旨(皇后或太后的诏令)。

  1. 双亲和祖母的支持帮助懿齐克服学习上的重重困难。

    Difficult moments in Etchia 's studies were overcome with the support of her parents and grandmother .

  2. 电视剧《如懿传》被称作是之前宫廷剧《后宫甄嬛传》的后传。

    Ruyi 's Royal Love in the Palace is the sequel of Legend of Concubine Zhen Huan .

  3. 《如懿传》将围绕后宫争斗等情节展开,同时夹杂主要人物的感情线作为支线。

    The story in this sequel will again focus on harem survival , as well as having romance as subplots .

  4. 懿齐认为诚实而称职的会计师是商业社会的基石,期望能成为其中一员。

    Etchia sees competent , honest accountants as the cornerstone of business and looks forward to becoming one of them .

  5. 最近,政府机电工程署向本港大专院校的五位毕业生提供机械工程训练职位,懿诚亦有幸成为其中之一。

    Joe was recently offered one of five Mechanical Engineering Graduate training places in the Government 's Electrical and Mechanical Services Department .

  6. 剧中女主角乌拉那拉·如懿将由周迅饰演,皇帝则由霍建华饰演。

    Female lead Wulanala Ru Yi will be played by Zhou Xun , and the emperor will be played by Wallace Huo .

  7. 创立于1998年,宁波懿一直为客户提供最优质的服务,并为所有聚其包装需求。

    Founded in1998 , Ningbo Liyi has been providing customers with the highest quality poly and service for all of their packaging needs .

  8. 惠尚懿学习英语的同时,还学电子琴和打排球,并获得过很多奖项。

    Apart from studying English , Hui Shangyi also plays the piano and volleyball , and was awarded a number of prizes for them .

  9. 懿诚在科大的英语教学环境中如鱼得水,表现不凡,这要归功于他的父母。他们鼓励他充分利用中学由外籍教师执教英语的有利条件学好英语。

    Joe owes much of his success in HKUST 's English-medium teaching environment to his parents who always encouraged him to make the most of having native English teachers at school .

  10. 而即将开拍的《如懿传》,周迅同该片男主角扮演者霍建华,二人共计拿走1.5亿元人民币(2250万美元)。第四位:黄晓明。

    She and fellow leading actor will star in the upcoming TV series Ruyi 's Royal Love in the Palace , with both stars set to receive close to 150 million yuan ( 22.5 million US dollars ) combined .

  11. 穆王之后,也就是在周共王、周懿王、周孝王、周夷王和周厉王在位期间,王朝的威望逐步衰退,皇族与人民之间的矛盾浮现出来。

    After King Mu and throughout the reigns of King Gong , King Yi , King Xiao , King Yi and King Li , the prestige of the dynasty gradually declined and contradictions between the royal house and the people began to surface .