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tiān zī
  • talent;aptitude;genius;endowment;flair;natural gift;natural endowment
天资 [tiān zī]
  • [talent;natural endowment] 天赋;资质

  • 天资聪颖

天资[tiān zī]
  1. 她很有天资,能够心想事成。

    She showed considerable talent for getting what she wanted .

  2. 例如,当情感失禁的表现狂的天资显示出如X因素不是成熟的男人被淘汰时大哭。

    The emotionally incontinent exhibitionists who cry when they are kicked off talent shows such as The X Factor are not grown men , for example .

  3. 有人提议天资好的孩子提前考试。

    It has been suggested that bright children should take their exams early .

  4. 她天资聪颖。

    She was endowed with intelligence and wit .

  5. 她没有从事护理工作的天资。

    She had no aptitude for nursing

  6. 这个女孩天资颖慧。

    The girl is endowed with brightness .

  7. 大多数学校能够满足具有不同天资的儿童的需要。

    Most schools cater for children of different abilities .

  8. 为美国而教(TeachforAmerica)招聘天资聪慧的应届大学毕业生充实城市教师队伍,科恩对这一做法大加赞赏。

    He praises the efforts of teach for America to recruit smart recent college graduates into urban teaching ranks .

  9. n.才能;天才;天资那女孩有音乐天赋。

    talent The girl has a talent for music .

  10. 你旷世的天资是用石块创造万物。

    And your first gift is making stone out of everything .

  11. 此人天资聪颖,这无庸置疑。

    The man had genius potential , no doubt of it .

  12. 这些学生确实天资聪颖、有上进心,应该得到这些机会。

    Yes , these kids are smart and motivated and deserving .

  13. 我想,你一定会被他们的天资所震撼到。

    I think you 'll be impressed with the talent you see .

  14. 他天资聪颖,对家乡外部的世界充满了好奇心。

    He was bright and curious about the world outside his hometown .

  15. 对公司的忠诚弥补了她天资不高的缺陷。

    Her loyalty to the firm compensates for her lack of talent .

  16. 有人提议天资好的孩子提前考试。

    It has been suggested that bright children take their exams early .

  17. 他对弹钢琴没有什麽天资。

    He doesn 't show much flair for the piano .

  18. 你的态度而不是天资,决定了你能达到的高度。

    Your attitude , not your aptitude , will determine your altitude .

  19. 只有天资而无学识犹如树木不结果实。

    Wit without learning is like a tree without fruit .

  20. 但你得承认那些人有着非常好的天资。

    But they know which way the wind 's blowing .

  21. 我并不是天资聪颖,知识有无比得好奇心。

    I have no special gift . I am only passionately curious .

  22. 天资远不如由判断力所约束的自制、耐心与教养

    not genius so much as self-control patience and discipline regulated by judgment

  23. 他因天资聪颖从三年级跳到了五年级。

    He skipped the fourth grade because of his aptitude .

  24. 密雪儿在她还年轻的时候就展现出很多她在美术上的天资。

    Michelle showed lots of talent for arts since she was young .

  25. 当他还是个孩子时,他就有令人羡慕的聪颖天资。

    When he was a boy , people admired his great qualities .

  26. 运动员的哪些天资和品质是值得尊敬和认可的?

    What abilities are worthy of honor and recognition as athletic talents ?

  27. 比起天资聪颖,友爱仁慈和努力工作会带你走得更远。

    16.Kindness and hard work together will always carry you farther than intelligence .

  28. 在我看来,志向和天资同等重要。

    In my opinion , ambition and talent are of the same importance .

  29. 另外,努力工作也能培养我们的天资。

    Besides , hard work can cultivate our talents .

  30. 她有明显天生的学物理天资。

    She has an apparently inborn talent for physics .