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  1. 后榆中、勇士二县改属天水郡。

    After Yuzhong , the Warriors are two counties to Tianshui County .

  2. 昭帝始元元年(公元前86年)在今兰州始置金城县,属天水郡管辖。

    Only the first year of Zhao Di yuan ( 86 BC ) in this Maryland home before Jincheng County , Tianshui , a county jurisdiction .

  3. 守卫天水郡的魏国大将姜维,文武双全智有勇有谋。

    This is a story from the novel Three Kingdoms . Jiang Wei was adept with both pen and sword . He was not only a man of intelligence and bravery , but also a man of resources and astuteness .