
tiān rén guān xi
  • Relationship between heaven and man;relation between heaven and man
天人关系[tiān rén guān xi]
  1. 天人关系问题是《礼记·月令》的基本问题。

    The relation between heaven and man is the basic question in Yue Ling of the Book of Rites .

  2. 在天人关系方面,人们更关注人间的利害,由人而天,不再盲从于天命鬼神;

    In relation between heaven and man , people paid more attention to interests of the world , from man to heaven , did not follow god 's will blindly ;

  3. 邵雍的天人关系说&兼评王夫之对邵雍的批判

    SHAO Yong 's Theory on the Relationship between Nature and Man

  4. 关于天人关系,孟子认为天与人二者是相通的。

    Mencius thinks that Heaven and human beings are interlinked .

  5. 中国人口资源困境的认识论根源探析&新发展观视野中的天人关系

    Epistemology Origin of Per Capita Resource Restraint Power and Resource

  6. 汉英成语的文化差异与表述从英汉表情感的成语看中西天人关系的哲学观

    The Cultural Differences and Their Expressions in the Chinese and English Idioms

  7. 《庄子》的天人关系学说与可持续发展战略

    Zhuang Zi ' Doctrine on Sky-Man Relationship and the Sustainable Development Strategy

  8. 天人关系的伦理学思考

    Ethics Thinking on the Relationship Between Nature and Mankind

  9. 中国哲学天人关系论的考察与理解

    On the Heaven-man Relationship Theory of Chinese Philosophy

  10. 中国传统的天人关系理论与可持续发展的伦理学基础

    Thought on the man-nature relationship in Chinese tradition : ethical foundation of sustainable development

  11. 道物关系及道物演化史是天人关系的自然基础。

    The relationship between nature and man is the departure point for criticism civilization .

  12. 试论中国古代宗教崇拜对象及天人关系之演变

    On the Evolvement of Chinese Ancient Religion Worship Objects and the Relationships between Tian and Ren

  13. 第二节研究了同源、融一的天人关系带来的生态化审美。

    The second section studied the ecological aesthetic brought by the harmony of nature and human .

  14. 天人关系史就是以道物关系史为基础的文明发展史。

    The history of the relationship between nature and man is actually the history of civilization development .

  15. 论中国先秦各家关于天人关系的论争及意义

    On the Dispute and Significance of " Heaven-Man Relationship " by Scholars of Different Schools in Per-qing Period

  16. 天人关系新论&先秦天的观念演进及儒家对天人关系的思考

    A New Perspective on the Heaven-Man Relationship & Conceptual Evolution of Heaven and Confucian Ideology of the Heaven-Man Relationship

  17. 就其实质而言,《中庸》所标举的天人关系是一种价值的或道德的关系,是以价值关系为纽带形成的超越而内在、内在而超越的关系。

    The relation between the nature and human is essentially that of value and morality , or transcendence and immanence .

  18. 应该从天人关系的高度分析它的成因、内涵和价值。

    The cause of formation of intensive cultivation and its meaning and value should be analyzed by studying human-nature relation .

  19. 天人关系是中国哲学的基本问题,天人合一是中国哲学的基本精神。

    The beauty relations are the Chinese philosophy basic question , The human day gathers one is the Chinese philosophy basic spirit .

  20. 天人关系问题,历来就是中国传统哲学思想的基本问题。

    The problem of the relation between nature and man has been the fundamental one of the Chinese traditional ideas of philosophy .

  21. 中国古代哲学也是借对这一问题的讨论而展开,并将之具体化为天人关系。

    Ancient Chinese philosophers came into being with the discussions of this question and specialized it as the relationship between God and man .

  22. 中国古代的哲学是围绕着天人关系的讨论而形成的。

    The discussion on philosophy in ancient China is formed around the question about ' the relation between the Heaven and man ' .

  23. 人在天中,天由人成&对天人关系含义及其流变的新反思

    Human is in Heaven and Heaven is formed by Humans & A New Reflection on the Implication and Its Change of Heaven-Humans Relationship

  24. 从人类关于天人关系的认识历程对此作一解读。

    From the process of human being 's cognition on relation of man and nature , this paper gives some explanation on systematic dialectics .

  25. 重生的生态文化根系与天人关系的生态场域的形成,促生了中国古代文论的生态叙事维度。

    The formation of rebirth ecological culture root and the beauty relate ecology field expedite the ecology narrative dimension of the Chinese ancient literary theory .

  26. 中国哲学是农业文明的产物,这种背景使天人关系成为哲学探讨的主题。

    Chinese philosophy is the result of agricultural civilization , which makes the relation between human beings and nature an important theme in Chinese philosophy .

  27. 中英情感隐喻对比研究从英汉表情感的成语看中西天人关系的哲学观

    A Comparative Study of Emotion Conceptual Metaphors between English and Chinese Reflection of the Eastern and Western Philosophical Outlook in Chinese and English Idioms of Emotions

  28. 天人关系经历了从原始协调、基本平衡、严重紧张直至追求人天和谐的四种形态的演变。

    The relation between human and nature experienced four stages : original coordination , basic balance , serious tension and the harmony of human and nature .

  29. 对总体宇宙人生的持久关注和深入思考,使天人关系成为儒学的核心问题之一。

    The lasting concern about the whole universe and human life makes the Heaven-Man relationship become one of the most important problems in the history of Confucianism .

  30. 相应地,它的核心范畴主要有两个,一个是天人关系,另一个是人与人的关系。

    Correspondingly , there are two kernel categories in it . one is the relationship between Heaven and Men ; the other is the relationship between people .