
  1. 我必须承认,看到这个家伙不费一分一毛就这样大出风头,我心里就来气。

    I must admit it irks me to see this guy get all this free publicity

  2. 阿尔芒先生又来气了,那是歌剧院最好的包厢,而且我们需要钱,菲尔曼!谁是这个O.G.啊?告诉我!

    Monsieur Armand was very angry again . 'That 's the best box in the Opera House , and we need the money , Firmin ! And who is this O.G , eh ? Tell me that ! '

  3. 他躺在那里疼得要命,几乎上不来气。

    He lay there in terrible pain , fighting for breath .

  4. 有一块肉卡在他嗓子里,使他上不来气。

    He choked when a piece of meat stuck in his throat .

  5. 那小子真让我来气。

    B : That guy was making me really angry .

  6. 她转过身来气呼呼地瞪着他。

    She switched round and glared angrily at him .

  7. 最后的八英里简直使每个人都喘不过来气。

    Those last eight miles just pooped everybody .

  8. 令我来气的是我的笔记本电脑也用了许多的塑料零件。

    Heck , even this laptop I am using has a lot of plastic parts .

  9. 当你被工作压得喘不过来气时,这里的五个步骤可以帮你跟经理谈谈。

    Here are five steps to talking to your manager when your workload is overwhelming .

  10. 一个健康的身体是指一个人可以完成每天的工作而不会感到很疲倦和上不来气。

    A fit body is one that can perform everyday tasks without getting tired and breathless .

  11. 瞧这头盔…别人骂他牛脾气,他就打顶牛头盔来气他们。

    That helm ... the others call him bullheaded , so he threw it in their teeth .

  12. 文摘:综述了近年来气相法白炭黑表面改性的研究成果和工业化技术。

    Abstract : the research findings and the industrialized technologies of the surface modification of fumed silica in recent years were reviewed .

  13. 由于别人给了我一部新电话,上面有一个钟表,我能看见电话打了多长时间,这让我更加来气。

    My rage was made worse by the new telephone I 've been given that has a clock on it , so I can see just how long the call is taking .

  14. 气动伺服控制技术是气动技术和电子技术的接合,它有力的促进了气动技术的发展,成为近年来气动领域的热点。

    Pneumatic servo control technology is the combination of pneumatic technology and electronic technology , and it promotes pneumatic technology to develop greatly , become a hotspot in pneumatic field in recent years .

  15. 介绍了近年来气辅注塑成型技术方面的几种新技术,包括外部气体辅助成型技术、振动气辅成型技术、冷却气体气辅成型技术、多腔控制气辅成型技术和气体辅助共注成型技术。

    Some new methods of the gas-assisted injecting molding technologies including external gas molding , vibrated gas-assist molding , cool gas GAIM , multi-cavity control GAIM and gas-assisted co-injection molding are presented in this article .

  16. 全文共分四章:第一章对近年来气相色谱在有机痕量分析方面的进展进行了综述,其中主要包括样品处理方法,以及应用领域和应用实例,引用文献63篇。

    The paper consists of four chapters . In chapter 1 , the recent progress of GC in organic trace analysis has been reviewed , including pretreatments of the samples , application field and application examples .

  17. 有时候起了狂风,把他打得出不来气,可是他低着头,咬着牙,向前钻,像一条浮着逆水的大鱼;

    Sometimes there would be a raking wind which beat the breath out of him ; but he would lower his head , grit his teeth and forge doggedly ahead , like a large fish swimming against the current .

  18. 中国石油西南油气田分公司重庆气矿目前共有脱水站19座、脱水装置26套,对24个气田的来气进行脱水处理,实现了干含硫天然气输送。

    Chongqing Gas Mine of Southwest Oil and Gas Branch of PCL has total 19 dehydration stations and 26 dehydration plants , which make dehydration processing for 24 gas fields to deliver the dry sour gas into the transmission pipeline .