
lái shì
  • afterlife;next life;the world to come;next world;future life;future world;afterdeath
来世 [lái shì]
  • (1) [future life;next life]∶来生

  • (2) [afterlife]∶死后的存在状态

  • 佛教有来世的说法

来世[lái shì]
  1. 我祈求上天让我来世也能与你相遇,相爱,直至天荒地老!

    I pray to God to let my future world also can meet with you , be apt each other , until the day wasteland becomes old !

  2. 金字塔里放置了法老王的肉身与伴随着他进入来世价值连城的珠宝。

    The pyramid housed the pharaoh 's body together with priceless treasure , which would accompany him into the next world .

  3. 你相信有来世吗?

    Do you believe in a life hereafter ?

  4. 这时猫一溜烟的跑了。故事到此也许应该就结束了,但是在第二天早晨收拾床时,我丈夫,一个从来不信鬼神、不信阴府来世的人,说他想告诉我点事。

    That could have been the end of the story , but the next morning , my husband , ( who doesn 't believe in ghosts or the afterlife ) mentioned he wanted to speak to me about something while we were making the bed .

  5. 大卫•伊戈尔曼的《生命的清单:关于来世的40种景象》(Sum:FortyTalesfromtheAfterlives),这是一本短篇小说集,其中探讨了死去之后的生活。

    Sum : Forty tales from the afterlives by David eagleman , a collection of short stories examining what life is like after you die .

  6. 如果有来世,我化身为F4或是周杰伦,我想我会戴上眼镜和帽子去逛街。

    If I have afterlife , I am F4 or Joy Zhou , I think I will go to shopping with glasses and hat .

  7. 《为来世的准备》(PreparationForTheNextLife),阿提卡斯·利什(AtticusLish)著(Tyrant出版社,平装,15美元)。利什精彩而令人不安的处女小说讲述一段一个受创伤的士兵与一个穆斯林移民之间悲惨的恋爱故事。

    PREPARATION FOR THE NEXT LIFE . By Atticus Lish . ( Tyrant , paper , $ 15 . ) Lish 's gorgeous , upsetting debut novel follows the doomed love affair of a traumatized soldier and a Muslim immigrant .

  8. 论来世的民间叙事&以吴歌为例

    THE SONG OF TODAY Next life : Narrative of The folk

  9. 你知道,埃及人非常关心,人的来世?

    You know , the Egyptians were very concerned about afterlife ?

  10. 那些杀害警察的人得为了来世听听这乐曲。

    Cop killers would have to hear it for an eternity .

  11. 为了来世&古代埃及艺次评析

    For the Future & Appreciation on the Art of Ancient Egypt

  12. 我觉得来世的说法只是人们编造出来的。

    I think the afterlife is just made up by people .

  13. 她信仰的宗教允许她今生来世都幸福。

    Her religion promises her happiness now and in the hereafter .

  14. 希望来世,能和你永远。

    Hope that the afterlife , and you can always together .

  15. 我们来世在做姐妹,记住了!

    We are doing the afterlife and sisters , remember !

  16. 今生来世都没有你们的回报。

    Fools ! your Reward is neither Here nor There .

  17. 快过来吧!我会告诉你们有关来世的一切。

    Come here ! I 'll teach you all about the afterlife .

  18. 如果有来世,我依旧是你最美的新娘。

    If there is afterlife , I am still your beautiful bride .

  19. 这被以为是他们对来世的独一但愿。

    It was believed to be their only hope for the afterlife .

  20. 人本主义者不相信来世和永生。

    Humanists do not believe in an afterlife or immortality .

  21. 你认为人老了就会相信来世吗?

    Do you think belief in an afterlife comes with old age ?

  22. 问题:请告诉我们你关于来世的看法。

    Question : Tell us something of your idea of the hereafter .

  23. 显然,过去的哲学家们已经,在猜测是否有来世。

    Obviously philosophers in the past have speculated about life after death .

  24. 我无法相信有来世这回事。

    It is incredible to me that there should be an afterlife .

  25. 他想给你买来世上所有的幸福。

    He wants to buy all the happiness in this world foryou .

  26. 未实现的,无论是什么,都将成为他来世的目标。

    Whatever has remained unfulfilled , he will move towards that target .

  27. 你的意思是相信来世的人都是傻子咯?

    Are you saying that people who believe in it are idiots ?

  28. 我要在那里悄悄地缝制,来世出嫁的霓裳。

    I 'll sew my bridal dress calmly for afterlife 's loom .

  29. 它不仅适用于今生也适用于来世。

    it applies equally in this world and the next .

  30. 他们来世还想在一起。

    They want to be together again in the afterlife .