
  • 网络Lai'an County;Laian;Lai'an Grafschaft
  1. 从2002年开始,安徽省天长市、来安县和吉林省东丰县,开始了粮食直接补贴的改革试点。

    From 2002 , Tianchang city and Lai'an county in Anhui province and Dongfeng county in Jilin province set about this kind of the pilot subsidy .

  2. 安徽省来安县小麦梭条花叶病的病原鉴定和防治

    Identification of the pathogen and control of the Wheat Spindle Streak Mosaic Disease in Anhui Province

  3. 论文以西门社区的老年人群体为抽样调查对象,了解来安县社区居家养老的现状及其问题。

    For Ximen community elderly groups as sampling investigation target , we can know the current situation and problems of community old-age home .

  4. 第三章,分别从物流产业对经济增长的贡献和物流产业综合实力测度两个方面对来安县物流产业和经济增长关系进行实证研究。

    In the third chapter , we tried to do an empirical research in the aspects of the contribution of logistics industry to economic growth and the strength of local logistics industry .

  5. 但近年来安县旅游业发展建设过快,实践中又缺少切实可行的技术指导,导致了许多盲目性和破坏性的开发。

    However , the tourism of An country is developed disproportionally in recent years , and the local people lack workable technical guidance through practice . These lead to blindfold and destructive tourism development .

  6. 第二章,对物流产业与经济增长的相关概念进行界定,并对物流产业与经济增长的关系和来安县物流产业与经济增长的现状做出基础性的分析。

    In the second chapter , we did some research in related conception of logistics industry and economic growth and making some basic analysis of the present situation of logistics industry and economic growth of the county of Lai An .