
lái liào jiā gōng
  • accept customers' materials for processing;processing of materials supplied by the foreign businessmen;accept jobs with materials supplied by clients;processing of material provided by foreign clients
来料加工[lái liào jiā gōng]
  1. 来料加工企业ERP系统中的仓库管理设计

    The Design of the Storehouse Management in ERP Based on the Corporation Doing the Processing of Customer 's Materials

  2. 我们可以进行来料加工并保证让您满意。

    We can process the supply material to your satisfaction .

  3. 来料加工和来件组装是我们的惯例。

    Processing supplied materials and assembling supplied parts is our usual practice .

  4. 同时也承接数码产品及周边电子产品的来料加工。

    Also undertake digital electronic products and peripheral products processing .

  5. 不,我们没有此意。这仅仅是来料加工而已。

    No , we don ' t.This is just OEM .

  6. 我们同意与你们进行来料加工贸易。

    We may agree to do processing trade with you .

  7. 欢迎来厂指导合作或来料加工。

    Welcome to the factory with advice , cooperation or materials for processing .

  8. 承接包工包料、来料加工等加工方式。

    To undertake the labor and materials , processing and other processing methods .

  9. 本服装店承接来料加工。店员展示一些布料样品。

    The salesman showed some samples of dress material .

  10. 谈来料加工企业建设质量体系的侧重点

    The Emphases To Establish Quality System In Businesses Which Processing Materials Supplied By Clients

  11. 除一般贸易外,来料加工已在我厂各种业务中越来越具有特殊的地位。

    More and more business of this factory are from processing client 's materials .

  12. 自来水是被加工过的。来料加工,一周交货。

    The processing of materials supplied By customers will Be finished within a week .

  13. 我们愿与贵方就来料加工业务进行合作。

    We are willing to cooperate with you in the line of processing supplied material .

  14. 允许类来料加工不在《目录》中具体列名。

    Items for processing with materials provided under permitting category is not specified in the List .

  15. 也可为客户提供特殊牌号和技术要求的其他品种及来料加工业务。

    We can also customer-tailor steel wires of special grades and specification and provide processing business .

  16. 在水产品出口中,来料加工约占出口额的35%左右。

    In the aquatic products exports , processing exports account for about 35 % or so .

  17. 我们可以承接来料加工或收佣组装。

    We can do processing against buyer 's raw material or assemble of goods on commission .

  18. 来料加工、来件装配和补偿贸易所需进口的设备;

    Equipment and machenery required to be imported under contract processing , contract assembly and compensation trade ;

  19. 来料加工和来料组装在吸收外资方面起着重要的作用。

    Processing supplied materials and assembling supplied parts play quite an important role in absorbing foreign funds .

  20. 限制类和禁止类来料加工列入《目录》。

    Items for processing with materials provided under limiting and prohibiting categories are listed in the List .

  21. 同时,承办进料加工、来料加工、来件装配、补偿贸易等业务。

    Meanwhile , we undertake the business of processing trade , assembling trade , and compensatory trade , etc.

  22. 赚取加工费并不是我们接受来料加工订单的唯一目标。

    Earning processing fee is not the sole object of our accepting order for processing of supply material .

  23. 香港有家公司很有兴趣与你方进行来料加工贸易。

    A hong kong company show great interest in do business with you on the basis of processing .

  24. 工厂主要经营业务:服装订单批量、贴牌加工、包工包料、来料加工。

    Factory Main business : clothing bulk orders , OEM , contract for labor and materials , processing .

  25. 客户可来样订货,看样订货,来料加工。

    The customer may incoming sample ordering , look at a sample ordering , the furnished raw material processing .

  26. 本服装加工厂,设备先进,来料加工,交货迅速。

    Our clothing factory with advanced equipment offers a prompt delivery according to orders for processing customers ' materials .

  27. 同时还可为用户提供来料加工及按用户要求生产各种壁厚的包覆钢管。

    Also we can produce with materials supplied by clients or produce different thickness steel pipe according to customers'demand .

  28. 我们利用来料加工,或按来样和/或按指定的商标名称加工。

    We process with supplied materials , according to supplied samples , and / or under designated brand names .

  29. 出口退税率下调,使得贸易方式发生变化,加工贸易特别是来料加工贸易增长加快;

    The reduced rate changes trade methods and the processing trade especially processing with supplied materials has experienced high increase .

  30. 竭诚欢迎海内外客商来函来电洽谈或来样定做、来料加工!

    Sincerity welcome all businessmen telephone to talk over or come to our factory to make order , anticipate to process !