
lái ɡǎo
  • contribution received ;incoming manuscript
  • contribute
来稿 [lái gǎo]
  • [contribute; manuscript received] 投来文稿

  • 希踊跃来稿

  • [contribution to a periodical;contributed article] 已投来的稿子

  • 来稿概不退还

  1. 来稿请径寄编辑部。

    Please send your contributions directly to the editorial department .

  2. 来稿概不退还。

    No manuscripts received will be returned .

  3. 中文版医学期刊来稿论文中英文摘要的写作

    Writing structured English abstracts in manuscripts submitted to Chinese medical journals

  4. 《海洋水产研究》来稿中的问题分析

    Analysis of Problems in Contributions to " Marine Fisheries Research "

  5. 医学论文来稿中常见问题分析

    An Analysis of Common Problems in Original Manuscript of Medical Articles

  6. 二是选择和编辑同学们的来稿。

    The other is to select and edit the articles from students .

  7. 中国矫形外科杂志十年来稿及载文分析

    Analysis of article received and publication of the Orthopedic Journal of China

  8. 本编辑保留来稿的删节权。

    The editor reserves the right to cut manuscripts received .

  9. 编辑对来稿要仔细看,不要轻易就摔掉。

    Instead of rashly rejecting manuscripts , editors should go over them carefully .

  10. 我们欢迎有独创性的短篇小说来稿。

    We are in the market for short stories of an original nature .

  11. 对期刊来稿的质量分析

    Analysis of the Quality of Manuscripts from Public

  12. 网络来稿的编辑问题

    Editing Matters of Manuscripts Sent through Internet

  13. 探讨和完善生物医学期刊来稿中的伦理学问题

    Biomedical Journal should Explore and Resolve the Ethic Problems of Scientific and Technological Contributions Endlessly

  14. 《图书馆论坛》2002-2003年来稿、载文、作者和引文统计分析

    Statistical Analysis on the Draft , Paper , Author and Quotation of Library Tribune in 2002-2003

  15. 另你要做的事是和编辑同学们的来稿。

    The other thing that you should do is to select and edit the articles from students .

  16. 方法:对2002~2004年度《内蒙古医学杂志》来稿及刊登稿件统计分析。

    Methods : Articles contributed and published in Inner Mongolia Medical Journal from 2002 to 2004 were statistically analyzed .

  17. 针对读者自发来稿、通讯员来稿和约稿这三类稿件,介绍了等、靠、要三种不同的组稿方法,以及在应用这三种方法过程中必须注意的几个问题。

    The three methods of solicit contribution in enterprise science and technology periodical are waiting , depending and asking .

  18. 来稿一律送请专家学者匿名审查;

    Submissions will be reviewed by specialists in the field ( unidentified by name ) to determine worthiness for publication .

  19. 随着我国对外学术交流的日益加强,医学刊物要求来稿附上英文标题。

    With the increasing international academic exchange , most of the medical journals require English titles attached to the medical articles to be published .

  20. 在来稿中不少稿件标题不确切,摘要、提要混淆,句子有语病。

    Many titles in the contributions fail to be precise , abstracts are treated as guidelines , sentences do not conform to publication standard , etc.

  21. 而各杂志的编辑则是质量把关的关键,应提高审稿标准并鼓励促进更多的高质量的来稿。

    TCM journal editors , who serve as gatekeepers of quality , must encourage higher quality clinical research reporting by setting and upholding publication standards .

  22. 这一错误不仅大量地出现在尚未正式出版的来稿中,而且广泛地存在于国内外已正式出版、涉及单晶密度的化学类学术现刊里。

    Such a serious mistake not only can be found in manuscripts but also exists world-widely in the formal chemical-academic publications dealing with single crystal density .

  23. 认为:紧跟学科发展需要,充分考虑来稿情况,征询专家及读者的建议,及时确定报道意图,是重点报道的前提;

    It is prior to determine the plans of the key point reports considering the development of science , contributions and suggestion from specialists and readers .

  24. 从期刊编辑方面来说,主要有修改不当、不按稿约要求处理来稿和少发或不发作者稿酬等。

    As for editors are concerned , there are improper revision of the article , failure to deal with manuscripts according to the requirements and pay for contributors .

  25. 来稿请注明真实姓名、现职、通讯地址、电话、传真或电子邮件号码,以便联系。

    Submissions must be accompanied by your true name , your title or position and , for ease of notification , your contact address , telephone , fax ore-mail .

  26. 通过对1999~2001年《中国体育教练员》杂志来稿情况的分析,发现目前我国体育教练员撰写的体育科研论文的数量较少,质量较低。

    Through analysis on paper submitted to the journal of China Sports Coach from 1990 to 2001 , the author finds that number of papers written by coaches are less , the quality are low .

  27. 校外作者队伍建设,既可以从自由来稿作者中培养,也可以通过约稿方式与校外专家学者取得联系。

    Outside of school author the troops construction can come to draft from the freedom the author wins the development , can also pass about the draft method and out - side of school expert 's scholar makes the contact .

  28. 3作者队伍以西北地区为主体,兼有国内其它省、市、区及海外的研究人员,体现了期刊来稿的广泛性和开放性;

    The main part of the authors were the botanical research personnel of northwest area , in addition , there were many researchers from other provinces in our country and overseas , which reflected that the paper resources were widespread and open ;

  29. 为此,从哲学社会科学版的编辑身份的视角出发,提出了以下几点看法:1.欢迎来稿,对来稿严格要求,对作者一视同仁。

    Thus , from the visual angle of the journal editor of philosophy and social sciences , this article puts forward the following points : 1.to welcome all the contributed articles , to be strict with them and treat all authors alike ;

  30. 针对农业技术类期刊作者来稿中存在的一些问题,结合编辑工作,论述了编辑应该如何加工农业技术类期刊的稿件,使之完全符合出版要求,提高期刊的稿件质量。

    Based on a discussion of the typical problems in the contributors ' manuscripts , this paper summarizes the experience of the authors in editing and expounds how to process these manuscripts and improve the quality of papers published in the periodicals .