
  • 网络Presidents of Ghana
  1. 加纳总统JohnMilles说,生产更加丰富的食品将让社会更加安全:

    The President of Ghana , John Milles said , making food more plentiful would make societies more secure .

  2. 联邦观察团领导,前加纳总统JohnKufuor抨击媒体报道的偏见,他们偏重于政府候选人。

    The head of the Commonwealth observer group , former Ghanaian President John Kufuor , criticized a bias in media government candidates .

  3. 2008年与时任加纳总统约翰库福尔(johnkufuor)的会晤,让中欧国际工商学院得到了加纳政府将提供官方支持的承诺,中欧非洲项目的地点也选在了加纳首都阿克拉。

    A meeting with then president of Ghana John Kufuor in 2008 gave CEIBS the assurance that it would get the bureaucratic support from the Ghanaian government and the capital Accra was chosen as the location for the CEIBS Africa Programme .

  4. 加纳总统库福尔在执政8年后将退休。

    President John Kufuor is retiring after eight years in office .

  5. 2004年,约翰·库福尔再次被选为加纳总统。

    John Kufuor is re-elected as president of Ghana .

  6. 加纳总统库福尔在同布什总统一起举行的记者会上说,艾滋病在加纳的流行范围继续缩小,患病人数占总人口的比例从2006年的2.6%下降到2007年的2.2%。

    Ghanaian President John Kufuor , speaking at a joint news conference with President Bush , says the prevalence of HIV continues to decline in Ghana , from 2.6 percent in 2006 to 2.2 percent of the population last year .

  7. 加纳总统库福尔感谢布什总统为解决索马里、乍得、肯尼亚和苏丹冲突提供的支持,他赞扬布什和其他世界主要工业国领导人合作,免除了贫穷国家拖欠世界银行和国际货币基金会的400亿美元的债务。

    Ghanaian President John Kufuor thanked President Bush for supporting conflict resolution efforts in Somalia , Chad , Kenya , and Sudan . He commended Mr. Bush for working with the heads of the world 's leading industrialized nations to cancel $ 40 billion of debt owed by poor countries to the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund .

  8. 加纳的副总统AlhajiAliuMahama于上周(11月14日)在加纳首都阿克拉举行的一次研讨会上公布了这个基金。该研讨会讨论的是西非的生物燃料资助问题。

    Ghana 's vice president Alhaji Aliu Mahama announced the fund last week ( 14 November ) at a workshop held in Accra , Ghana , to discuss biofuel financing in West Africa .

  9. 她说,加纳希望奥巴马总统的访问将帮助加强加纳的司法和良好的政府治理。

    She says Ghana hopes President Obama 's visit will help strengthen justice and good governance .

  10. 正在加纳访问的布什总统和夫人受到加纳总统库福尔和夫人特里莎的国宴款待。

    The president and Mrs. Bush are in Ghana where they were the guests of honor at a state dinner hosted by President John Kufuor and his wife , Theresa .