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lái huí
  • back and forth;to-and-fro;backwards and forwards;make a round trip;make a return journey;go to a place and come back
来回 [lái huí]
  • (1) [back and forth;to-and-fro; backwards and forwards]∶含有以相反方向交替出动的活动

  • 钟表摆动的一个来回

  • (2) [make a round trip]∶往往在返回时走同一路线的旅行

  • 打个来回

来回[lái huí]
  1. 从我家到火车站来回一趟得一个多小时。

    It takes more than one hour to make a round trip from my house to the railway station .

  2. “得”字在汉语中的使用频率较高,它兼有动词和助词的功能。如:骑车来回得一个半小时。

    It will take an hour and a half to make a return journey by bicycle .

  3. 我们开车去那里来回用了一油箱汽油。

    We drove there and back on one tank of petrol .

  4. 他不得不在来回乱转的人群中穿梭而行。

    He had to weave his way through the milling crowds .

  5. 士兵在政府大楼外面来回练习队列行进。

    Soldiers were marching up and down outside the government buildings .

  6. 有人来回走动的响声把我吵醒了。

    I was woken by the sound of someone moving around .

  7. 船底上的水来回晃荡。

    Water swilled around in the bottom of the boat .

  8. 所有东西必须绑定,免得来回滑动。

    Everything had to be strapped down to stop it from sliding around .

  9. 我们两小时打了个来回。

    We did the round trip in two hours .

  10. 她来回走动,挥动着双臂使身体暖和起来。

    She walked up and down , flapping her arms to keep warm .

  11. 她每天上班来回要花两小时。

    She spends two hours a day getting to work and back again .

  12. 她在屋子外面来回走着。

    She paced up and down outside the room .

  13. 珍妮来回倒换着脚,羞愧得脸红了。

    Jenny shuffled her feet and blushed with shame .

  14. 她来回摇动着婴儿。

    She rocked the baby to and fro .

  15. 你在游泳池里横向能游几个来回?

    How many widths can you swim ?

  16. 他在两个窗口之间来回切换。

    He toggled between the two windows .

  17. 她的目光在屋子里来回扫视。

    Her eyes ranged the room .

  18. 他发现约翰在公寓里来回踱步,无法入睡。

    He found John pacing around the flat , unable to sleep

  19. 小船在水中轻轻地来回摇荡。

    The boat was rocking gently to and fro in the water .

  20. 将牙线在齿间来回拉动。

    Draw the floss backwards and forwards between the teeth .

  21. 马克斯在客厅里快速地来回走动。

    Max zips back and forth across the living room .

  22. 她打开电视,来回换台看不同的新闻节目。

    She turned the television on and flicked around between news programmes .

  23. 直升飞机的探照灯来回扫射这个被封锁的公园。

    Helicopters with searchlights swept the park which was sealed off

  24. 他起身开始在屋里来回走动。

    He stood up and began to move around the room

  25. 我能看到树枝来回摇摆。

    I could see the branches of the trees moving back and forth

  26. 她像个顽皮的孩子似的,坐在椅子上来回摇晃。

    She rocks back and forth on her chair like a mischievous child

  27. 她站起身,开始来回踱步。

    She stood up and began to pace to and fro

  28. 音乐在爵士乐和乡村布鲁斯乐之间来回转换。

    The sound veers between jazz and countrified blues .

  29. 没有人命令过他从哪里来回哪里去。

    No one ordered him back whence he came .

  30. 他喝了一口廉价的葡萄酒,在嘴巴里来回咂摸着。

    He took a mouthful of the cheap wine and sloshed it around his mouth