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  1. 这可以通过文件长度百分比来创建章节点。

    This can be used to create chapter stops as a percentage of the length of the file , for example .

  2. 本文试从四个方面即“六经皆史”的提出、内涵、意义及阶级实质来通观章学诚“六经皆史”的全貌。

    This article focused on four aspects to give a general introduction of Six Confucian Classics being history , which include its reference , connotation , significance and its class essence .

  3. 破产管理人制度是从罗马法中发展而来,本章除了介绍破产管理人制度的发展,还探讨了破产法的价值和破产管理人独立性的意义。

    The bankruptcy administrator comes by the Roman law development .

  4. 我们以讨论如何为您的控制器及其行为编写单元测试来结束本章。

    We complete this chapter by discussing how you can write unit tests for your controllers and actions .

  5. 最后我将用一个管理检查列表来丰富本章内容,以帮助你理解工程范围。

    Finally I 'll round out the chapter with a management checklist to help you understand the scope of the project .

  6. 本文首先介绍了几个有争议的按揭房案例,以此来引出本章想要研究的两个问题:离婚时婚前按揭房的权属与补偿。

    My paper introduces several controversial mortgage housing cases firstly in order to lead to two problems which are premarital mortgage housing ownership and compensation issue that I want to study .

  7. 大部分的学生可能整夜都在尝试在这张纸上用小字来抄写整章有价值的内容,但是有一个学生却想出了一个更好的办法。

    Most of the class likely stayed up all night attempting to transcribe an entire chapter 's worth of material in tiny handwriting , but one student had a better idea .

  8. 具体说来,第一章为导论,主要阐述了本文选题的来源及其意义、本文选题的研究现状、本文的研究思路和方法以及文章的创新点和不足。

    Specifically , the first chapter is the introduction , mainly elaborating the source of the selected topic and its significance , its research status , research ideas , research methods of this article , the innovations and shortcomings of the article .

  9. 作者对她的研究作了简要总结来结束这一章。

    The author concludes the chapter with a brief summary of her research .

  10. 针对这个问题,本文从三个大方面来阐述。第一章是存款保险制度的概述。

    This dissertation includes three chapters : The first chapter is the summary of deposit insurance system .

  11. 本文共分三章来探讨,第一章,计划生育法治基础。

    This is divided into six chapters , the first chapter , to explore the theory of family planning .

  12. 具体说来,第二章,介绍古史传说、历史事件、政治观等社会史方面的文献意义。

    Specifically , the second chapter is about the philological value of ancient history and legend and political view .

  13. 分为两章来论述,第一章是导论,主要阐述了论文的研究的背景、研究的意义、研究的方法、研究的框架。

    The first chapter is introduction of this paper . It discusses the background , meanings , methods and schemes of this paper .

  14. 本章的内容建立在前面两章的基础之上,演示如何利用微软技术来实现前面两章介绍的模式。

    This chapter builds on the first two chapters by demonstrating how you can implement the patterns described in those chapters using Microsoft technologies .

  15. 文中主要分成三方面来研究:第一章探讨了齐梁时期文学集团和政治之间的关系。

    There are three parts in this paper : Chapter one discusses the relations between literary groups and politics in the Qi and Liang dynasties .

  16. 本篇论文中主要从以下几个方面来探讨:第一章,阐释中学美术教育课程内容体系。

    This paper will be divided into five parts as follows : The first chapter will elucidate the contents of art education curriculum in the middle schools .

  17. 本论文分六章来论述。第一章为绪论,主要解释选题意义、文献资料综述与研究状况、研究方法几方面的问题。

    This thesis contains six chapters . The first chapter is introduction , it explains the significance of the research , literature review , research status and research methodology .

  18. 前三章中各种方法对图形硬件资源的占用可能会引起冲突,第五章中作者讨论了如何修改传统的显示流程来容纳前面三章提出的所有的效果和功能,而同时保持最大的性能。

    Previous algorithms may result in conflicts in hardware resource . The author discusses how to modify conventional rendering path to accommodate all the effects and functions while keeping maximum performance .

  19. 在招投标决策中,采用基于动态中转备选集的网络变形、以及考虑期望值的节点预处理来改进上一章的动态协商机制。

    To improve the dynamic negotiation of bidding decision in the previous chapter , the network deformation based on alternative set of dynamic transit and node preprocessing with expectation consideration is designed .

  20. 一节中,你会发现项目的建议,你可以做你自己的时间。你会看到,有没有详细说明的活动-你应该做他们自己的方式。如果没有问题,让我们来谈谈现在第一章。

    You 'll see that there are usually nodetailedinstructions for the activities - you 're supposed to do them your own way . If there are no questions , let 's turn to Chapter One now .

  21. 最后以高校招考咨询活动答话与目的原则的关系来结束第三章。安娜·卡列尼娜是世界文学史上一个不朽的人物形象,她最终以卧轨自杀来结束自己年轻的生命。

    Chapter Four focuses on the dynamic interaction of question and response . Anna Karenina is an immortal figure in the world literature . She finally put an end to her life by lying on the rail .

  22. 本章主要运用统计分析的方法,通过对数据进行单位根检验、协整检验和格兰杰因果关系检验,来对第三章的理论关系进行实证检验。

    This chapter mainly uses the statistic analysis method , making empirical test to the theoretical relationship found in the third chapter by doing unit root test , cointegration test and Granger causality test to the modified data .

  23. 1700多年来,《九章算术》与刘徽注一直都很受重视。特别近年来,许多学者进行了专题研究,把这项工作推向新的高潮。

    For over 1700 years great attention has been paid to the " Arithmetic in Nine Sections " and Liu 's commentaries and , in recent years , monographic researches into them have been carried out by many scholars in particular , which have pushed the study to a climax .