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gāo shàng
  • noble;high;lofty;respectable;nobility;dignity
高尚 [gāo shàng]
  • (1) [noble;lofty]∶道德品质高雅的人

  • 南阳刘子骥,高尚士也。-- 晋. 陶渊明《桃花源记》

  • 是多么高尚的人啊!他心里装着全体人民,唯独没有他自己。--《鞠躬尽瘁》

  • (2) [high]∶有意义、不庸俗

  • 高尚的娱乐

高尚[gāo shàng]
  1. 这本书将现代文明同与自然界和谐相处的高尚野蛮人的理想进行了对比。

    The book contrasts modern civilization with the ideal of the noble savage who lived in harmony with nature .

  2. 我非常愿意相信他是纯洁高尚的。

    I wanted so much to believe he was pure and noble .

  3. 他道德十分高尚。

    There was not a hint of badness in him .

  4. 她决不是道德高尚的典范!

    She was certainly no paragon of virtue !

  5. 他过着高尚的生活。

    He led a life of virtue .

  6. 他是个非常高尚的人。

    He is a very good man .

  7. 我们总会用听起来非常高尚的理论为我们的行动辩护。

    We 'll always justify our actions with noble sounding theories

  8. 他对皇帝的高尚意图深信不疑。

    He had implicit faith in the noble intentions of the Emperor .

  9. 总统对国家的期望是很高尚的,但却过于模糊。

    The President 's hopes for the country were high-minded , but too vague

  10. 巴特曼先生品德高尚。

    Mr Bartman was a man of good character .

  11. 路易斯在人们眼里是一个智慧、勇敢、品德高尚的顾家男人。

    Louis was shown as an intelligent , courageous and virtuous family man .

  12. 我和高尚的人们一起干着一份不错的工作。

    I was with fine people doing a good job

  13. 不是所有的人都像萨姆那样品德如此高尚,抑或恪守同样的道德准则。

    Not all men are as honorable or hold to the same standards as Sam.

  14. 然而,他们的初衷是高尚的。

    However , their intentions are honourable .

  15. 她属于那群道德高尚的女性,她们会聚在一起讨论文学作品。

    She belonged to a high-minded group of ladies who met and discussed Works of Literature .

  16. 他是一个正直高尚的人,总是愿意尽其所能帮助他人。

    He was an upright and noble man who was always willing to help in any way he could

  17. 在我看来,认为我自己比街上的无家可归者要更加高尚是很可笑的。

    For me to think I 'm any better than a homeless person on the street is ridiculous .

  18. 他因品质高尚而受到广泛尊敬。

    He is widely respected for the nobility of his character .

  19. 他高尚的品格为他赢得了永久的名声。

    His noble character has won him everlasting fame .

  20. 好教师应该把高尚理想灌输给孩子们。

    A good teacher should implant high ideals in children .

  21. 旅行给予我们一种高尚有益的快乐。

    Travel gives us a worthy and improving pleasure .

  22. 他品德高尚。

    He excels in virtue .

  23. 由于品德高尚,他获得了极好的评价。

    He has won golden opinions by his high character .

  24. 对于妇女,他表现得高尚拘谨,尊敬三分。

    Toward women he was nobly restrained and chivalrous .

  25. 他的目的是高尚的,值得称赞的。

    His aim is honorable and praiseworthy .

  26. 她是一个道德高尚的人。

    She is a real saint .

  27. 它是最高尚的。

    It is the most humane .

  28. 高尚的妇女为国增添光彩。

    Noble women adorn their land .

  29. 她行为高尚。

    She conducted herself nobly .

  30. 一个人真正的高尚在于他是什么样的人,而不在于他拥有什么。

    The real dignity of a man lies in what he is , not in what he has .