
  • 网络Hanjiang District
  1. 地籍调查工作由邗江区国土管理分局委托。

    Cadastral survey by the Hanjiang commissioned by the Land Management Bureau .

  2. 扬州市邗江区2008年突发公共卫生事件应急工作评估分析

    Evaluation of Public Health Emergency in Hanjiang District of Yangzhou City in 2008

  3. 县域产业创新的机理与路径&以扬州市邗江区为例

    On the Mechanism and Route of County Industrial Innovation

  4. 扬州市邗江区耕地肥力质量状况分析

    Analysis on the Quality Status of Farmland Fertility in Hanjiang District , Yangzhou City

  5. 扬州市邗江区食物中毒事故应急处理能力调查

    Investigation of Emergency Management Ability in Food Poisoning in Hanjiang District of Yangzhou City

  6. 扬州市邗江区农村集体土地流转调查与探讨

    Investigation and Discussion on the Mechanism of Rural Collective Land Conversion in Hanjiang District of Yangzhou City

  7. 农村宅基地流转探讨&以江苏省扬州市邗江区为例

    On Transferring of the Rural Homestead Base & Hanjiang District , Yangzhou , Jiangsu Province as an example

  8. 扬州市邗江区乡镇预防保健体制改革两种模式的比较研究

    Study on System-Reform of Prevention and Health Care in Villages and Towns in Hanjiang District of Yangzhou City

  9. 关注计划生育相关弱势群体&扬州市邗江区农村调查报告

    On Caring for Relatively Disadvantaged Groups in Family Planning : Report from the Rural Area of Hanjiang District , Yangzhou

  10. 扬州市邗江区1999年对全区21所乡镇卫生院进行了产权制度改革。

    The property right system of all the 21 villages and towns hospitals in Hanjiang District of Yangzhou City was reformed in 1999.The system of combination administration of medical treatment and prevention was put into practice in the first three years of reformation .

  11. 全市土壤重金属污染的顺序是Hg>Cr>As>Cu>Pb>Cd,各地区中,以邗江区土壤重金属含量相对较高。

    The sequence from high to low of heavy metal that made soil polluted is Hg 、 Cr 、 As 、 Cu 、 Pb 、 Cd . And the heavy metals content of soil in Hanjiang district is higher than that in other counties .
